Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Politics and Government - Neoconservatism Movement and the Ashes of Fai
The Neoconservatism Movement - Out of the Ashes of Failed Liberalism Neoconservatism is a generally late term, close to thirty or forty years of age. Actually, a considerable lot of its individuals never really acknowledged the term. And keeping in mind that its name might be generally simple to pinpoint, its underlying foundations won't be attached to any one individual, occasion, or development. Or maybe, neoconservatism originates from various social and political elements. One of the biggest sociopolitical factors in the advancement of neoconservatism rotates around the 1960s liberal development. Himmelstein states in his book, To the Right, that various factors added to a general emergency of trust in American foundations and made a political opening for . . . the Right, which introduced itself in the late 1970s as a ‘revitalization movement’ (6). It appears that Himmelstein is portraying a movement corresponding to the liberal development of the 1960s, for a littler scope and with an elective belief system upset by less restrictions. In like manner, Francis states, in Beautiful Losers, that the development during the 1970s of the political and scholarly development known as neoconservatism is for the most part viewed as a reaction to the disappointments of customary progressivism to manage the difficulties of that decade [i.e. 1960s] (95). Anyway, would we say we are to accept that neoconservatism stems solely from embittered 1960s nonco nformists? Irving Kristol, a prominent front originator of the development, appends a much increasingly explicit mark, portraying neoconservatism as the disintegration of liberal confidence among a generally little . . . gathering of researchers and learned people, and the development of this gathering toward a progressively preservationist perspective, without totally adjusting to the customary Repub... ...Refered to Dorrien, Gary. The Neoconservative Mind: Politics, Culture, and the War of Ideology. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993. Ehrman, John. The Rise of Neoconservatism: Intellectuals and Foreign Affairs 1945-1994. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995. Francis, Samuel. Lovely Losers: Essays on the Failure of American Conservatism. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1993. Himmelstein, Jerome L. To the Right: The Transformation of American Conservatism. Berkely: University of California Press, 1990. Kaiser, Charles. 1968 in America: Music, Politics, Chaos, Counterculture, and the Shaping of a Generation. New York: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988. Kristol, Irving. Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea. New York: The Free Press, 1995. White, Theodore H. The Making of the Presidentâ€1968. New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1969.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Legislation, a policies, a standards or codes of practice that influence provision of health service for service users Essays
Enactment, an arrangements, a guidelines or codes of training that impact arrangement of wellbeing administration for administration clients Essays Enactment, an arrangements, a measures or codes of training that impact arrangement of wellbeing administration for administration clients Essay Enactment, an arrangements, a measures or codes of training that impact arrangement of wellbeing administration for administration clients Essay There are numerous enactment, strategies and codes of practices in the wellbeing administrations in England. Enactments, for example, the wellbeing and security act Work Act and Data insurance Act are the fundamental and significant enactments in associations, for example, schools, care homes and nurseries. Under enactments there are approaches these are arrangements can be the privacy strategy and the counter tormenting approach anyway there are a lot more as every association has an alternate one yet the classification arrangement and against harassing are the ones that can be found in care homes, nurseries and schools. Codes of practices are what associations anticipate that their representatives should follow so as to give great consideration to their administration clients. The Health and Safety Act The wellbeing and security at work Act 1974 likewise alluded to as HASAWA or HSW is the principle bit of enactment covering occupation wellbeing and security in the United Kingdom. The Health and wellbeing official is answerable for authorizing the Act and various different guidelines applicable to the workplace. In people group schools, network exceptional schools and willful controlled schools legal wellbeing and security obligations fall on the nearby power (as the business) and on the head educator and staff (as workers). The overseeing body, as the administration body, ought to guarantee that school staff and premises follow the nearby authoritys (LAs) wellbeing and security approach and practices. The administering body, having control of the premises, must find a way to ensure that the structures, hardware and materials are protected and don't put the wellbeing of people in danger while they are on the premises. Representatives have an obligation to ensure that they do their obligations securely without gambling themselves, the students or guests. They should likewise help out other people who have obligations for wellbeing and security via completing directions and announcing risky practices. The head educator, who has assigned obligation regarding the everyday administration of the school, has a specific job in observing that the administering bodys wellbeing and security approaches and techniques are completed. Since the HASAWA was first passed extra guidelines have been added to reflect change sin practice, innovation and comprehension. These guidelines include: Revealing Of Injuries, sickness and Dangerous events Regulation (RIDDOR) 1995 Sanitation Act 1990 Control Of substances Hazardous to Health Regulation (COSHH) 2002 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and so on Source: Accessed on the 22nd/3/11 Approaches. Each association must have their own wellbeing and security strategies to state how they will work under the enactment. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 express that associations must have a wellbeing and security arrangement. Most associations additionally have an assortment of arrangements connected to their guidelines. These would include: Manual Handling Policy; Disposal of Body Fluids, and; First Aid Policy. Different arrangements are just pertinent in certain setting, for example, Challenging Behavior Policy, and; Medication Policy. Classification arrangement The secrecy arrangement assumes a major job in associations as the majority of their administration clients incline toward that their own subtleties remain private and inside that care setting. It is uncommon that associations dont have a secrecy approach as this strategy is there to guarantee the security of the individuals who go to the association. Associations who their administration clients are kids or youthful young people regard the classification arrangement in the accompanying manners: - Parents/carers will have prepared access to documents and records of their own youngsters yet no other kid. - Staff won't talk about individual kids with individuals other than the guardians/carers of that youngster. - Information given by guardians/carers to the association staff won't be given to outsiders. - Personnel issues will stay secret to the individuals in question. - Any tensions/proof identifying with a childs individual security will be kept in a secret document and won't be shared inside the association aside from the childs key laborer and Manager. Customers Files. All customers reserve the privilege to see their documents. Be that as it may, no customers will approach any data from an outsider (for example the customers accomplice, youngsters or different organizations) which is put away in their records. This is to secure the wellbeing and secrecy of others. Anyway when a youngster is younger than 16 years of age, guardians/vocations despite everything reserve the privilege to get to their documents. In any case, in any case outsider data ought to be put away independently inside the customer record. All PC records will be secret key ensured and consistent with IT security strategies. The Care Value Base The consideration esteem base is a scope of guidelines for wellbeing and social consideration. It is intended to direct the act of experts working here. This general point of the measures is to improve customers personal satisfaction, by guaranteeing that every individual gets the consideration that is generally suitable for them as a person. The consideration esteem base offers direction and sets gauges in associations. Gauges and codes of training in care homes gives away from on parts of care and the executives, supported all through by the acknowledgment of the privilege of more seasoned individuals to be treated as people, and to be treated with nobility and regard. The point of the principles is to: * secure the interests of feeble defenseless individuals from conceivable misuse, misuse and lack of interest; * guarantee that suppliers have an away from and comprehension of what is expected of them; * ensure staff in completing their obligations; * Ensure that care of value is given in a domain of value. Enactments, arrangements improve wellbeing administrations by ensuring that each enactment or approach that comes out advantage them and secure them in a manner or another. It likewise approach to ensure that individuals are sheltered in specific situations, that they are not being victimized and that association are empowering balance and decent variety.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)NMR Example
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)NMR Example Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)NMR â€" Assignment Example > IntroductionNuclear Magnetic Resonance, otherwise abbreviated as NMR, is a method of mapping the molecular structures and studying how they function as well as how they relate, using a technique which is non-destructive. This technique has its basis in the fact that many atoms have nuclei which behave as little magnets. Have magnetic qualities. When the tiny magnets are inside a larger one, the South Pole ends of the tiny magnets get in line with the bigger magnet’s North Pole. In so doing, the tiny magnets take in some energy and start acting in a “spinâ€, “wobble†or even “flip†manner. This action, also referred to as resonance, has the ability of being physically mapped to indicate the atoms present within the molecule and their location in relation to the others, hence the name Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance had been formerly expressed and evaluated by Isidor Rabi in terms of molecular beams(1938) 1. He was later awarded a Nobel Prize in p hysics for this. 2. Edward Mills Purcell and Felix Bloch extended this to be applied in liquids as well as solids, resulting in their sharing of the Nobel Prize in physics (1952). 3 Purcell put more efforts on this development as well as the radar application, in the Radiation Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the period of the Second World War. In his project of identifying and generating the radio frequency energy as well as its up take by matter, he discovered Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Edward Mills Purcell and Felix Bloch realized that the magnetic nuclei, such as 1H as well as 31P, were able to take in the radio frequency energy when located in any magnetic field with strength in line with the nuclei’s identity. NMR, though formerly applied in physics, has been used greatly as the analytical technique for revealing the chemical structures as well as the material properties. It parallels the electromagnetic technology development and the introductio n of electromagnetic technology for use by civilians. Therefore, in an attempt to fully exploit the information regarding Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, this work expounds on various aspects including applications, types, and properties (Akitt, 2000). Types of nuclear magnetic resonanceNuclear magnetic resonance has two main types of instruments; the continuous wave instruments and the Fourier transform instruments. The continuous wave instruments were used formerly in experiments; however, in 1970 there was availability of the Fourier transform instrument which has currently taken the market. The continuous wave instruments These spectrometers are same as the optical spectrometers in principle. This entails a sample being held strongly in a magnetic field which is very strong, while the source frequency gets slowly scanned. However, some instruments have this frequency constantly held while field scanning takes place. Fourier transform instrumentsThe amount of energy changes experien ced in the NMR spectroscopy are quite small, hence sensitivity becomes a great limitations. In order to increase sensitivity, several spectra may be recorded and added together; and since there is random noise, this causes addition as square root of recorded spectra number. While using the instrument of continuous wave, there will be much time required for spectra collection since one scan uses approximately 2-8 minutes. However, Fourier transform instruments (FT-NMR) irradiates all spectrum frequencies simultaneously through the pulse of a radio frequency. The nuclei go back to the thermal equilibrium by tracking the pulse. The instrument records the emission signal with time domain as relaxation of the nuclei takes place.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Complete List of Nora Roberts Books
Nora Roberts releases several new romance novels every year, making her one of the most prolific authors of our time. From series to individual stories, she has published more than 200 novels in totalâ€â€some sweet, some suspenseful, and some fantasy. Roberts has hit the New York Times Best Seller list regularly. Thanks to her dedicated fans and the fact that she was an early pioneer in communicating with them online, it is rare that a new release does not hit that esteemed book list. In fact, since her first appearance in 1998, every Nora Roberts book has made it. To keep up with her prolific outputâ€â€and to give her more freedom with genreâ€â€publishers suggested Roberts write under a pseudonym. This was the birth of J.D. Robb, to whom the In Death series is attributed. Those titles are included in this master list of Nora Roberts books. A Career Beginning Roberts started writing during a blizzard in 1979. It forced her two sons to stay home from school, and she was going stir-crazy. Though her writing may have started as a creative escape, it quickly turned into a long and lasting career. If youre looking for her earliest work, she published six titles within the first two years of her debut. This volume for a new author is astounding in itself, and it was just a prelude to the amount of work she would produce in the coming decades. 1981: Irish Thoroughbred (Irish Hearts)1982: Blithe Images1982: Song of the West1982: Search for Love1982: Island of Flowers1982: The Hearts Victory 1983: The Legacy Begins In 1983, Roberts began a legacy of publishing many books each yearâ€â€that would set the pace for her entire career. A tip for this year of her work: If youre going to read Reflections, be sure to follow up with Dance of Dreams as those two stories are connected. From This DayHer Mothers KeeperReflectionsDance of DreamsOnce More With FeelingUntamedTonight and AlwaysThis Magic Moment 1984: A Prolific Year 1984 was an interesting year for Robertsâ€â€it was one of her most prolific years but was comprised entirely of single books. She would not debut her first series until 1985. Endings and BeginningsStorm WarningSullivans WomanRules of the GameLess of a StrangerA Matter of ChoiceThe Law Is a LadyFirst ImpressionsOpposites AttractPromise Me Tomorrow 1985: Meet The MacGregors In 1985, Roberts debuted one of her most successful series: The MacGregors. It includes 10 novels total, starting with Playing the Odds and ending with 1999s The Perfect Neighbor. The characters have been featured in other novels throughout the years as well. Playing the Odds (The MacGregors)Tempting Fate (The MacGregors)All the Possibilities (The MacGregors)One Mans Art (The MacGregors)PartnersThe Right PathBoundary LinesSummer Desserts Night MovesDual Image 1986: A Good Year for Follow-Up Novels If you read Summer Desserts, then you have to follow it with 1986s Lessons Learned to get the rest of the story. Also, Second Nature and One Summer should be read in succession. The Art of DeceptionAffaire Royale (Cordinas Royal Family)Second NatureOne SummerTreasures Lost, Treasures FoundRisky BusinessLessons LearnedA Will and a WayHome for Christmas 1987: Meet Cordinas Royal Family In 1986, Roberts introduced us to the Cordinas Royal Family series with the release of Affaire Royale. Two books in that series followed the next year, though the fourth would not be released until 2002. If you happen to pick up Sacred Sins, youll want to read 1988s Brazen Virtue as well, as the two are connected. For Now Forever (The MacGregors)Mind Over MatterCommand Performance (Cordinas Royal Family)The Playboy Prince (Cordinas Royal Family)Hot IceTemptationSacred Sins 1988: The Year of the Irish Roberts must have had Ireland on the mind because in 1988, she turned her debut novel into a series that would be known as Irish Hearts. (Youll also find these volumes under the title Irish Legacy Trilogy.) It includes Irish Thoroughbred (1981), Irish Rose (1988), and Irish Rebel (2000). The author also spent part of the year introducing us to The OHurleys. After these three novels, you can find them again in 1990s Without a Trace. Local HeroIrish Rose (Irish Hearts)Brazen VirtueThe Last Honest Woman (The OHurleys)Dance to the Piper (The OHurleys)Skin Deep (The OHurleys)Rebellion (The MacGregors)Name of the GameSweet Revenge 1989: A Trio to Delight Fans Roberts spent the first few months of 1989 publishing three connected novels. Thus, the first three in the list below are meant to be read in order. At the end of the year she started another story, so when youre done with Time Was, read 1990s Times Change. Loving JackBest Laid PlansLawlessImpulseGabriels AngelThe WelcomingTime Was 1990: Meet The Stanislaskis Compared to other years, it doesnt look as if 1990 was particularly productive for Roberts. However, in March she introduced us to The Stanislaskis. This six-book series would continue regularly through 2001. Times ChangeTaming Natasha (The Stanislaskis)Public SecretsWithout a Trace  (The OHurleys)In From the Cold (The MacGregors) 1991: Meet The Calhoun Women Four of the five books in The Calhoun Women series were released in 1991. Anxious fans had to wait until 1996 for the fifth novel, Megans Mate, but today you can fly right through them. Youll also find some of the Calhoun women featured in other novels, especially those published in 1998. Night Shift (Night Tales)Night Shadows (Night Tales)Courting Catherine (The Calhoun Women)A Man for Amanda (The Calhoun Women)For the Love of Lilah (The Calhoun Women)Suzannas Surrender (The Calhoun Women)Genuine LiesLuring a Lady (The Stanislaskis) 1992: The Year of the Donovans 1992 saw the introduction of the Donovan Legacy series. Three of the four books of the series were published this year, with the series closing out in 1999. Many Roberts fans consider this series a must-read. Carnal InnocenceCaptivated (Donovan Legacy)Entranced (Donovan Legacy)Charmed (Donovan Legacy)Divine EvilUnfinished BusinessHonest Illusions 1993: Just 3 New Books 1993 was a bit slow for Roberts usual standards, but she did continue two of her popular series. The Stanislaskis series was added to with Falling for Rachel, and the Night Tales collection was extended with Nightshade. Falling for Rachel (The Stanislaskis)Nightshade (Night Tales)Private Scandals 1994: The Debut of Born In Born in Fire was the first release in the Born In trilogyâ€â€its sometimes called the Irish Born trilogy. After this first book, be sure to catch Born in Ice (1995) and Born in Shame (1996) to complete the trio. Night Smoke (Night Tales)Convincing Alex (The Stanislaskis)Birds, Bees and Babies/The Best Mistake (Mothers Day anthology)Silhouette Christmas/All I Want for Christmas (Christmas anthology)Hidden RichesBorn in Fire (Born In) 1995: J.D. Robb Makes their First Appearance This was the year Roberts began writing detective romances under the pen name J.D. Robb. She chose the J and D from her sons first initials and took Robb from Roberts. Ever busy, she also began The MacKade Brothers series. Born in Ice (Born In)The Return of Rafe MacKade (The MacKade Brothers)The Pride of Jared MacKade (The MacKade Brothers)True BetrayalsNaked in Death (Robb, In Death No. 1)Glory in Death (Robb, In Death No. 2) 1996: Roberts 100th Book A milestone year, 1996 saw Roberts publish her 100th book as well as celebrate the decade mark of her writing career. Montana Sky was the only book written this year that was not part of a series. Megans Mate (The Calhoun Women)The Heart of Devin MacKade (The MacKade Brothers)The Fall of Shane MacKade (The MacKade Brothers)Born in Shame (Born In)Daring to Dream (Dream)Montana SkyImmortal in Death (Robb, In Death No. 3)Rapture in Death (Robb, In Death No. 4) 1997: Romance Writers Award In 1997, Roberts was awarded the Romance Writers of America Lifetime Achievement Award. In realityâ€â€as you can see from the rest of the listâ€â€she was just getting started. The MacGregor Brides (The MacGregors)Hidden Star (Stars of Mithra)Captive Star (Stars of Mithra)Waiting for Nick (The Stanislaskis)Holding the Dream (Dream)Finding the Dream (Dream)SanctuaryCeremony in Death (Robb, In Death No. 5)Vengeance in Death (Robb, In Death No. 6) 1998: The Best-seller Streak Begins Roberts success on the best-seller lists began with Rising Tides. It was her first novel to be an immediate No. 1, a streak would seem endless as years go by. Serena and Caine (The MacGregors)The MacGregor Grooms (The MacGregors)The Winning Hand (The MacGregors)Rising Tides (Chesapeake Bay Saga)Sea Swept (Chesapeake Bay Saga)Lilah and Suzanna (The Calhoun Women)Catherine and Amanda (The Calhoun Women)Once Upon a CastleHomeportSecret Star (Stars of Mithra)The ReefHoliday in Death (Robb, In Death No. 7)Midnight in Death (Robb, In Death No. 7.5 [short story]) 1999: Meet the Gallaghers of Ardmore For the second year in a row, Roberts was on a roll. She published a number of books and introduced readers to the Gallaghers of Ardmore in the process. This trilogy would wrap up in 2000. Inner Harbor (Chesapeake Bay Saga)The Perfect Neighbor (The MacGregors)The MacGregors: Daniel Ian (The MacGregors)The MacGregors: Alan Grant (The MacGregors)Jewels of the Sun (Gallaghers of Ardmore)Enchanted (Donovan Legacy)Once Upon a StarRivers EndConspiracy in Death (Robb, In Death No. 8)Loyalty in Death (Robb, In Death No. 9) 2000: The Finales for Popular Series Some fan favorites continuedâ€â€and completedâ€â€in 2000. This included the finales for Night Tales, Gallaghers of Ardmore, and Irish Hearts. 2000 also saw the first of three books in the Three Sisters Island series. The Stanislaski Brothers: Convincing Alex/Luring a Lady (The Stanislaskis)Night Shield (Night Tales)Tears of the Moon (Gallaghers of Ardmore)Heart of the Sea (Gallaghers of Ardmore)Irish Rebel  (Irish Hearts)Carolina MoonDance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island)Witness in Death (Robb, In Death No. 10)Judgment in Death (Robb, In Death No. 11) 2001: A Hardcover Best-seller In November of 2001, Roberts officially moved from best-selling paperbacks to the top of the hardcover list. The book Midnight Bayou was her first to go right to No. 1 in this edition. Considering Kate (The Stanislaskis)Once Upon a RoseHeaven and Earth (Three Sisters Island)The VillaMidnight BayouChesapeake Blue (Chesapeake Bay Saga)Betrayal in Death (Robb, In Death No. 12)Interlude in Death (Robb, In Death No. 12.5 [novella])Seduction in Death (Robb, In Death No. 13) 2002: Cordinas Finale In 2002, we saw the final novel in the Cordinas Royal Family series, as well as other memorable single books. The year also marked the release of Summer Pleasure, a two-in-one reissue of the popular Second Nature and One Summer novels from 1986. Once Upon a DreamSummer PleasuresFace the Fire (Three Sisters Island)Cordinas Crown Jewel (Cordinas Royal Family)Three FatesReunion in Death (Robb, In Death No. 14)Purity in Death (Robb, In Death No. 15) 2003: The Key Trilogy Begins The Key trilogy made its debut on November 2003. This was a series that fans didnt have to wait forâ€â€the second and third volumes followed monthly, ending with Key of Valor the next January. Because of this publication schedule, all three books in the series held spots on the best-seller list simultaneously, a rareâ€â€and impressiveâ€â€occurrence. Key of Knowledge (The Key)Key of Light (The Key)Nora Roberts CompanionOnce Upon a MidnightRemember WhenBirthrightPortrait in Death (Robb, In Death No. 16)Imitation in Death (Robb, In Death No. 17) 2004: In the Garden Trilogy Debuts While 2004 saw the completion of The Key Trilogy, it also marked the release of Blue Dahlia, first in a trilogy called In the Garden. Blue Dahlia (In the Garden)Northern LightsKey of Valor (The Key)A Little FateDivided in Death (Robb, In Death No. 18)Visions in Death (Robb, In Death No. 19) 2005: Five Fine Novels Roberts finished up the In the Garden trilogy in 2005 and also published the popular Blue Smoke. The year additionally saw her continue the dual release of her In Death series under the J.D. Robb pseudonym, hitting her 20th book in the collection. Black Rose (In the Garden)Red Lily (In the Garden)Blue SmokeSurvivor in Death (Robb, In Death No. 20)Origin in Death (Robb, In Death No. 21) 2006: Angels Fall Wins In 2006, Roberts novel Angels Fall won the Quill Award for Book of the Year. The year is also significant because it saw all three novels of the immensely popular The Circle trilogy released in rapid succession. Bump in the NightAngels FallMorrigans Cross (The Circle)Dance of the Gods (The Circle)Valley of Silence (The Circle)Memory in Death (Robb, In Death No. 22)Born in Death (Robb, In Death No. 23) 2007: Roberts on Lifetime Four of Roberts novels were adapted into TV movies by Lifetime Television in 2007, and more would follow in subsequent years. The year also saw the start of a new trilogy called Sign of Seven. In celebratory news, Roberts was named one of the 100 Most Influential People by Time during this year. High NoonDead of Night AnthologyBlood Brothers (Sign of Seven)Innocent in Death (Robb, In Death No. 24)Creation in Death (Robb, In Death No. 25) 2008: An Award in Her Name The Romance Writers of America renamed their Lifetime Achievement Award after Nora Roberts in 2008. The Hollow (Sign of Seven)The Pagan Stone (Sign of Seven)TributeSuite 606 (four short stories, written by J.D. Robb and three friends)Strangers In Death (Robb, In Death No. 26)Salvation In Death (Robb, In Death No. 27) 2009: 400 Million Copies Sold In 2009, Roberts and her books reached a milestone: According to a report from September of that year, there were more than 400 million copies of her books in print. Included in this count was a new series, The Bride Quartet. Vision in White (The Bride Quartet)Bed of Roses (The Bride Quartet)Black HillsPromises in Death (Robb, In Death No. 28)Kindred in Death (Robb, In Death No. 29)The Lost (four short stories, written by J.D. Robb and three friends) 2010: The Bride Quartet Wraps Up The last two novels in The Bride Quartet series were released in 2010. Savor the Moment (The Bride Quartet)Happy Ever After (The Bride Quartet)The SearchThe Other Side AnthologyFantasy in Death (Robb, In Death No. 30)Indulgence in Death (Robb, In Death No. 31) 2011: The Beginnings of The Inn Boonsboro It was in 2011 that Roberts debuted her instantly popular The Inn Boonsboro trilogy. The first book, The Next Always, spent weeks at the top of the paperback best-seller lists. Chasing FireThe UnquietThe Next Always (The Inn Boonsboro)Treachery in Death (Robb, In Death No. 32)New York to Dallas (Robb, In Death No. 33) 2012: Roberts 200th Book In 2012, Roberts released her 200th novel, The Witness. The WitnessThe Last Boyfriend (The Inn Boonsboro)The Perfect Hope (The Inn Boonsboro)Celebrity in Death (Robb, In Death No. 34)Delusion in Death (Robb, In Death No. 35) 2013: Introducing the Cousins ODwyer The Cousins ODwyer trilogy quickly became a hit after the release of the first book, Dark Witch. Each of the three novels went straight to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list. Whiskey BeachMirror, Mirror (five short stories, written by J.D. Robb and four friends)Dark Witch (The Cousins ODwyer)Calculated in Death (Robb, In Death No. 36)Thankless in Death (Robb, In Death No. 37) 2014: The Cousins Finale Having started the year before, the Cousins ODwyer trilogy was completed in 2014. Shadow Spell (The Cousins ODwyer)Blood Magick (The Cousins ODwyer)The CollectorConcealed in Death (Robb, In Death No. 38)Festive in Death (Robb, In Death No. 39) 2015: The 40th In Death Book It all began in 1995, and 20 years later, J.D. Robb published her 40th In Death book. Running at two novels per year, fans began to rely on the releases as something they could expect from Roberts. The year also saw the introduction of a new trilogy, The Guardians. The LiarDown the Rabbit HoleStars of Fortune (The Guardians)Obsession in Death (Robb, In Death No. 40)Devotion in Death (Robb, In Death No. 41) 2016: The Guardians Trilogy Concludes Fantasy abounds in Roberts Guardians trilogy. The series was finished in just over a year, and 2016 saw the series wrap up with what many consider two of the authors most imaginative works. The ObsessionBay of Sighs (The Guardians)Island of Glass (The Guardians)Brotherhood in Death (Robb, In Death No. 42)Apprentice in Death (Robb, In Death No. 43) 2017: 222 Books and Counting With the 2017 release of Come Sundown, Nora Roberts list of books hit 222. This is an astonishing library to come from a single author and one of the reasons The New Yorker has called her Americas favorite author. She also started a new series, Chronicles of The One. Year One (Chronicles of The One)Come SundownEchoes in Death (Robb, In Death No. 44)Secrets in Death (Robb, In Death No. 45) 2018: 500 million The Chronicles of The One series begun in 2017 was followed in late 2018, as well as two more In Death books. At this point, there have been 500 million of Nora Roberts books in print. Shelter in PlaceOf Blood and Bone (â€Å"Chronicles of the One†)Dark in Death (Robb, â€Å"In Death†No. 46)Leverage in Death (Robb, â€Å"In Death†No. 47) 2019: In Death Continues The In Death series continues strong in 2019. We also see the next installment of the Chronicles of The One series, The Rise of the Magicks. Under CurrentsThe Rise of the Magicks (Chronicles of The One)Connections in Death (Robb, In Death No. 48)Vendetta in Death (Robb, In Death No. 49)
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The End of Social Security Paper Checks
The U.S. Department of Treasury began phasing out paper Social Security checks and other federal benefit checks on May 1, 2011. It required anyone applying for Social Security checks and other federal benefits on and after that date to receive their payments electronically. Those who began receiving Social Security checks before May of 2011 have until March 1, 2013, to sign up for electronic payments, the Treasury Department announced. Those who dont sign up to have their Social Security checks direct-deposited by that date would receive their benefits through the Direct Express card program. Getting your Social Security or Supplemental Security Income payment by direct deposit or Direct Express is safer and more reliable, Michael J. Astrue, the commissioner of Social Security, said in announcing the change. Whos Impacted by End of Paper Checks The change applied to Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Veterans Affairs benefits, and anyone who receives benefits from the Railroad Retirement Board, Office of Personnel Management and Department of Labor (Black Lung). You dont have to worry about your check being lost or stolen and your money is available immediately on your payment date, Astrue said. There is no need to wait for the mail to arrive. In 2010, more than 540,000 Social Security and Supplemental Security Income paper checks were reported lost or stolen and had to be replaced, the Treasury Department said. Savings from End of Paper Checks Phasing out paper Social Security checks entirely is expected to save taxpayers about $120 million every year, or more than $1 billion over 10 years. Government officials also pointed out that eliminating paper Social Security checks will provide positive benefits to the environment, saving 12 million pounds of paper in the first five years alone. More than 18 million baby boomers are expected to reach retirement age during the next five years, with 10,000 people a day becoming eligible for Social Security benefits, said Treasurer Rosie Rios. It costs 92 cents more to issue a payment by paper check than by direct deposit. We are retiring the Social Security paper check option in favor of electronic payments because it is the right thing to do for benefit recipients and American taxpayers alike. What You Need to Do Now If you are applying for new benefits, you are now required to choose an electronic payment method, whether its a direct deposit of your Social Security check or other federal benefits into a bank or credit union account. When you apply for your Social Security check or other federal benefits, you will need: Your financial institutions routing transit number often found on a personal check;The account type, checking or savings;And the account number often found on a personal check. You can also choose to receive your Social Security check on a prepaid debit card or Direct Express Debit MasterCard card. What You Need to Do By 2013 If you currently get your Social Security check or other federal benefit payment on paper, you must switch to electronic payments before March 1, 2013. You can switch from paper checks to direct deposit at, by calling the U.S. Treasury Electronic Payment Solution Centers toll-free helpline at (800) 333-1795, or by speaking with a bank or credit union representative. Anyone already receiving federal benefit payments electronically will continue to receive their money as usual on their payment day. No action is required. About Paper Social Security Checks The first monthly Social Security check was received by Ida Mae Fuller on Jan. 31, 1940, according to the Treasury Department. Since then about 165 million people have received Social Security benefits. The movement toward electronic payments has been steadily increasing, the Treasury Department said. By May of 2011, electronic payments made up more than three-quarters of all noncash payments nationwide. There were 5.7 billion fewer checks written in 2009 than in 2006, a decline of 6.1 percent per year - while electronic payments grew 9.3 percent during that same period. Among federal benefit recipients, about eight in 10 receive their Social Security check or other federal benefit payment electronically, according to the Treasury Department. What About Social Security Statements? On January 9, 2017, the Social Security Administration also stopped mailing annual Social Security Statements to all workers under age 60. The Social Security Statement shows the worker’s expected monthly Social Security benefits based on their current and potential future income. Paper statements are still mailed only to workers age 60 and older three months before their birthday if they don’t receive Social Security benefits and don’t yet have a â€Å"my Social Security†account. Workers over age 60 will stop receiving their statements by mail once they set up their â€Å"my Social Security†account. Workers under age 60 can now view their personal Social Security Statement online only by using their â€Å"my Social Security†account. Using a â€Å"my Social Security†account, workers of all ages can view their Social Security Statement online at any time. With a free and very secure â€Å"my Social Security†account, workers of all ages, retired or not, can view online their personalized estimates of future benefits based on their real earnings, see their latest Statement, and review their earnings history. In addition, â€Å"my Social Security†can be used to request a replacement Social Security Card or check the status of an application, anytime. A â€Å"my Social Security†is free, secure, and easy to create at:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Brief Description of Non-Parametric Tests Free Essays
Non-parametric Tests In contrast to parametric tests, non-parametric tests do not require any assumptions about the parameters or about the nature of population. It is because of this that these methods are sometimes referred to as the distribution free methods. Most of these methods, however, are based upon the weaker assumptions that observations are independent and that the variable under study is continuous with approximately symmetrical distribution. We will write a custom essay sample on A Brief Description of Non-Parametric Tests or any similar topic only for you Order Now In addition to this, these methods do not require measurements as strong as that required by parametric methods. Most of the non- arametric tests are applicable to data measured in an ordinal or nominal scale. As opposed to this, the parametric tests are based on data measured at least in an interval scale. The measurements obtained on interval and ratio scale are also known as high level measurements. Level of measurement 1 . Nominal scale: This scale uses numbers or other symbols to identify the groups or classes to which various objects belong. These numbers or symbols constitute a nominal or classifying scale. For example, classification of individuals on the basis of sex (male, female) or on the basis of level of education (matric, senior secondary, raduate, post graduate), etc. This scale is the weakest of all the measurements. 2. Ordinal scale: This scale uses numbers to represent some kind of ordering or ranking of objects. However, the differences of numbers, used for ranking, don’t have any meaning. For example, the top 4 students of class can be ranked as 1, 2, 3, 4, according to their marks in an examination. 3. Interval scale: This scale also uses numbers such that these can be ordered and their differences have a meaningful interpretation. 4. Ratio scale: A scale possessing all the properties of an interval scale along with a true zero point is called a ratio scale. It may be pointed out that a zero point in an interval scale is arbitrary. For example, freezing point of water is defined at 00 Celsius or 320 Fahrenheit, implying thereby that the zero on either scale is arbitrary and doesn’t represent total absence of heat. In contrast to this, the measurement of distance, say in metres, is done on a ratio scale. The term ratio is used here because ratio comparisons are meaningful. For example, 100 kms of distance is four times larger than a distance of 25 kms while 1000F may not mean that it is twice as hot as SOOF. It should be noted here that a test that can be erformed on high level measurements can always be performed on ordinal or nominal measurements but not vice-versa. However, if along with the high level measurements the conditions of a parametric test are also met, the parametric test should invariably be used because this test is most powerful in the given circumstances. From the above, we conclude that a non-parametric test should be used when either the conditions about the parent population are not met or the level of measurements is inadequate for a parametric test. References: http://classofl . com/homework-help/statistics-homework-help/ How to cite A Brief Description of Non-Parametric Tests, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Music is purely for relaxation. Do you agree Essay Example For Students
Music is purely for relaxation. Do you agree? Essay This is so because music has a multitude of functions. Music is a sine qua non in a mans life and has an amazing power. It works miracles on the human psyche. Music has the ability to alter the brain chemistry. Thats why music is important for our psychic equilibrium. We have various types of music to appeal to various people who have various temperaments. Music has a soothing effect on man. After a hard day of work, music brings a welcome relief. Music has the ability to relax both our mind and muscles. Also, music is used in therapy as it has a therapeutic value. Baroque music, although not widely known, has many purposes. It allows the mind to open up. This is useful for people who are working or studying. Children music is the most useful in my opinion. Through the songs, it teaches the children different things such as the alphabets and numbers. With the music, the children are able to remember the alphabets and numbers better. Music is also used for special occasions such as wedding ceremonies and funerals. In wedding ceremonies, the music played is Jovial and gay. However, in funerals, the music is sorrowful. It creates an atmosphere in the function. Other types of music are in existence now. There is Jazz, Country, Rock, and other different types of music. New music is produced once in a while, the latest being Rap music. Although it is popular among teens, it may be considered as noise to the adults. Rap music is actually a mixture of Pop music and talking. It may be a form of relaxation to the teenagers but it can also generate anger among them. From all the music mentioned, I can conclude that music is not solely for relaxation, and serves other purposes too. By mistreats
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Why Blame John Essay Example For Students
Why Blame John Essay Charlotte Perkins Gilmans short story The Yellow Wallpaper has been historically viewed as either a work of supernatural horror or as a feminist treatise regarding the role of women in society. A close analysis of Gilmans use of symbols reveals The Yellow Wallpaper as her response to the misogynist view of hysteria from ancient times through the nineteenth century. In The Yellow Wallpaper Gilman questions the validity of Hippocratess theory of the wandering uterus and Weir Mitchells rest cure. As she wrote in her essay Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper?, the story was not intended to drive people crazy, but to save people from being driven crazy†¦ (107). By her own account, Gilmans purpose in writing The Yellow Wallpaper was to educate and inform the public of the misinterpretation of hysterical symptoms. We will write a custom essay on Why Blame John specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The origin of the word hysteria expresses the belief in the inferiority of women. As James Palis writes in The Hippocratic Concept of Hysteria: A Translation of the Original Texts: Etymologically, the term usteria (hysteria) derives from ustera (hystera), the Greek word for uterus, which means an inferior position. Thus, usteria denotes suffering of the uterus, the most inferior organ in the female (226). The fact that the literal translation of hystera is inferior position reinforces the fact that from ancient times women were viewed as physically inferior to men. Since the one major physical difference between women and men is the presence of the uterus, psychological problems that were considered to be strictly female were attributed to some malfunction of the uterus. Hippocrates first proposed in his work The Art of Healingthat hysteria was caused by a wandering uterus (Hothersall 16). He believed that the uterus could dislodge itself in the body and wander around the female body attaching itself to other organs. Hippocrates explained that the various symptoms of hysteria, such as nervousness, depression, and hysterical fits, were caused by the uteruss interactions with the other organs in the body. In his text On the Nature of Women he explains the cause and treatment of a hysterical fit: If the uterus comes towards the liver, the female suddenly becomes speechless, and clenches her teeth, and her color comes back†¦In such situations, push beneath the liver with the hand and tighten a bandage beneath the hypochondria, and by opening the mouth administer a most fragrant wine, and anoint the nostrils and apply malodorous fumigations. And fragrant fumigations below the uterus. (Palis 227)Not only was the uterus capable of wandering around the body, it was believed that the womb was attracted and repelled by certain odors. Gilman seems to address the ridiculousness of such logic when she refers to the inconsistencies in the design of the wallpaper in The Yellow Wallpaper. The narrator complains, On a pattern like this, by daylight, there is a lack of sequence, a defiance of law, that is a constant irritant to a normal mind (263). This same complaint could be used against the popular view of hysteria. The theory that the womans uterus dislodged itself in the body and wandered around aimlessly violates natural law. In this respect, the ancient view of hysteria is similar to the wallpaper design since they both defy physical laws and cause pain to a logical mind. Textual evidence also suggests that Gilman uses the movement behind the wallpaper to represent the supposed movement of the uterus within the hysterics body. The narrator complains in her journal, I can see a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design (260). The silly and conspicuous front design not only refers to the wallpaper, but to the outer appearance of the nineteenth-century woman. She presented herself to society as demure, nave, and nurturing while her true character skulked behind her facade. Since any deviation from the norm of female behavior was anciently attributed to the uterus, the strange, provoking, formless sort of figure represents the womb. The narrator further describes the movement behind the wallpaper: And it is like a woman stooping down and creeping about behind that pattern (262). Just as the womb creeps within the hysterics body, the woman creeps behind the pattern of the wallpaper. The act of the woman stooping down also suggests a regression to childhood, which is also a regression to the womb. In this respect, the stooping woman wandering behind the wallpaper symbolizes the wandering uterus in the body. Another aspect of the ancient view of hysteria that Gilman confronts with her use of symbols in The Yellow Wallpaper is the way in which the medical profession prevented the uterus from wandering about the body. As Cheryl Meyer writes in The Wandering Uterus: Politics and the Reproductive Rights of Women: No one knew for certain how to prevent the hysterical fit from happening, but one cure was to anchor the uterus. This could easily be accomplished through either impregnating the woman or keeping the uterus moist through intercourse so it would not seek out the moisture of other organs. (1)Gilman employs symbols of prison and entrapment to represent the process of anchoring the uterus. Gilmans symbols represent the literal anchor of inequality that suppresses women within a misogynist society. The narrators bedroom is the most obvious symbol of womans entrapment in a misogynist society. She describes the history of the room in her journal: It was a nursery first and then a playroom and gymnasium, I should judge for the windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls (257). The description of the barred windows and the rings on the walls reveals the prison-like environment of the nursery. The emphasis on the functionality as a nursery first and then a playroom and gymnasium suggests that the room transforms to suit all terms of imprisonment. The narrators inability to escape the entrapment of societys view of women is reinforced in her husbands refusal to remove the wallpaper. He said that after the wall-paper was changed it would be the heavy bedstead, and then the barred windows, and then that gate at the head of the stairs, and so on (258). Given that one of the interpretations of the wallpaper is that it represents the Greek view of hysteria, the removal of this wallpaper represents the removal of the medical bias against women. Yet the husband views the removal of the symbolic wallpaper as inconsequential, since he believes that once he removes it he will be asked to remove the heavy bedstead, barred windows, and the gate at the head of the stairs. John represents the male viewpoint that once certain rights and liberties are afforded to women, women will demand to be equal with men. .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 , .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .postImageUrl , .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 , .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4:hover , .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4:visited , .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4:active { border:0!important; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4:active , .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4 .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua237534d515b46b280fc7fbf336e1ba4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Fall Of Communism In Russia EssayGilman attributed the lack of respect for women as one of the factors contributing to their depression. In her essay The Nervous Breakdown of Women she stresses the importance of economic equality between the sexes:Even if we should remove every legal and political discrimination against women; even if we should accept their true dignity and power as a sex; so long as their universal business is private housework they remain, industrially, at the level of private domestic hand labor, and economically a nonproductive, dependent class;emdash;servants of the other sex. (71)Gilman addresses the problems of the newly industrialized economy. It is her view that this shift in the power of economics from the wife and husband team to just the husband makes the abandoned wives the dependent classemdash;servants of the other sex. Gilman also addresses the belief that women are physically weaker than men in The Nervous Breakdown of Women:†¦the faults and virtues, charms and failings, strength and weakness of women are being continually discussed, and one of the favorites of the disputants is the last named subject;emdash;womans physical weakness. By those who deprecate the change in the position of women, their unquestioned endurance, which has enabled them work their lives long at the ceaseless cares and labors of housework, with the cares and labors of maternity as well, is held to belong only to those special tasks; and the nervous breakdown, which is more conspicuous when the sufferer is in business, is assumed to be a consequence of that business. (67-68)She challenges the notion that though women are physically str ong enough to carry the burden of childbirth, yet they are viewed as incapable of the strength of character necessary to work outside of the home. In this passage Gilman is challenging the prominent Dr. Weir Mitchells belief that hysteria, the nervous breakdown of women, was caused when women attempted to do the work of men. According to Dr. Mitchell, the nervous breakdown occurred when women were unable to handle their own physical limitations. Dr. Mitchell developed a rest cure which he believed cured hysterical women. Mitchells rest cure was based on the premise that women were physically inferior to men. He believed that hysteria was caused by a womans inferior constitution. His rest cure consisted of ceasing all of the womans mental and physical labors. Mitchell believed that women should not seek higher forms of education because their bodies couldnt handle the stress. He explains his reasoning in his essay Wear and Tear:It were better not to educate girls at all between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, unless it can be done with careful reference to their bodily health. To-day, the American woman, is to speak plainly, too often physically unfit for her duties as a woman, and is perhaps of all civilized females the least qualified to undertake those weightier tasks which tax so heavily the nervous system of man. (110)Mitchells belief as a top nerve specialist that women are risking their bodily health by taxing their weak brains emphasizes the misinformation regarding the medical model of hysteria that was prevalent in the nineteenth century. Gilman had first-hand knowledge of the aftereffects of the rest cure. Mitchell treated her for a severe depression that followed the birth of her daughter, Katherine, during her first marriage to Charles Stetson. She notes how her experiences with Mitchell served as the inspiration behind the writing of The Yellow Wallpaper in her essay Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper?:For many years, I suffered from a severe and continuous nervous breakdown tending to melancholiaemdash;and beyond. During the third year of this trouble I went, in devout faith and some faint stir of hope, to a noted specialist in nervous diseases, the best known in the country. This wise man put me to bed and applied the rest cure, to which a still good physique responded so promptly that he concluded there was nothing much the matter with me, and sent me home with solemn advice to live a domestic a life as far as possible, to have but two hours intellectual life a day, and never to touch pen, brush or pencil again a s long as I lived. I went home and obeyed those directions for some three months, and came so near the border line of utter mental ruin that I could see over. (106)Gilmans personal experiences with Dr. Mitchell revealed the fallacies in his belief that overtaxing a weak brain caused hysteria. Gilmans own experiences revealed the true cause of her melancholia: refraining from her innate desire to write. She concluded after her abstinence of writing that work is joy and growth and service, without which one is a pauper and a parasite†¦(106). Gilman concluded that the denial of intellectual activity led to the disintegration of self-worth. Gilman directly implicates Dr. Mitchell as a member of the medical community with erroneous beliefs regarding female hysteria in The Yellow Wallpaper. The narrator complains of her husbands threat of treatment in her journal: John says if I dont pick up faster he shall send me to Weir Mitchell in the fall. But I dont want to got there at all. I had a friend who was in his hands once, and she says he is just like John and my brother, only more so! (260). This negative comparison between John and Dr. Mitchell alerts the reader that the suppression that the narrator is exposed to at the hands of her husband parallels the oppression of Gilman by Dr. Mitchell. References to Dr. Mitchells rest cure are also found within the text of The Yellow Wallpaper. Mitchell defines his rest cure in his essay Fat and Blood: †¦the rest I like for my patients is not at all their notion of rest. To lie abed half the day, and sew a little and read a little, and be interesting as invalids and excite sympathy is all very well, but when they are bidden to stay in bed a month, and neither to read, write, nor sew†¦then repose becomes for some women a rather bitter medicine. (105-106)This patronizing view of treating women as school children who faked illness to stay home from school and then had to stay in bed all day is echoed in The Yellow Wallpaper in the way in which John, as the narrators husband and practicing physician, treats his wife. The narrator describes the rest cure as prescribed by her husband: †¦I am absolutely forbidden to work until I am well again (255). The emphasis on work as the potential cause of hysteria mirrors Mitchells b elief that the American woman was physically unfit for her duties in Wear and Tear. Although the narrator questions the validity of the rest cure she submits to the treatment. Her reasoning is If a physician of high standing, and ones own husband, assures everyone that there is really nothing the matter with one but a temporary nervous depressionemdash;a slight hysterical tendencyemdash;what is one to do? (255). This statement most likely has autobiographical relevance. Gilman explains through the voice of her character the reasons behind her submission to Dr. Mitchells treatment. .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 , .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .postImageUrl , .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 , .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494:hover , .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494:visited , .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494:active { border:0!important; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494:active , .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494 .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u02adcaa837d590db4b18b572d32c7494:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Illegalization Of Abortion EssayMitchells belief that the cause of hysteria is the taxation of weak minds is echoed in Johns warning to his wife. She recalls, He says that with my imaginative power and habit of story-making, a nervous weakness like mine is sure to lead to all manner of excited fancies, and that I ought to use my will and good sense to check the tendency (258). Although from a twentieth-century point of view suppressing independent thought is ludicrous, in the nineteenth-century it was good sense. Mitchells method of rest cure treated women as children by restricting them to bed rest and forbidding them to engage in any adult activities. Johns view of his wife as a child is seen in The Yellow Wallpaper in the manner in which husband and wife interact. John and the narrator do not possess a normal adult relationship. This is apparent in the way in which John refers to his wife as little girl (262) and a blessed little goose(258). John acts more as a father figure than as a husband. In response to his wifes complaints he responds, Bless her little heart!†¦She shall be as sick as she pleases! insinuating that his wife is exaggerating her symptoms for comfort. He also puts her to bed like a child. His wife recalls, And dear John gathered me up in his arms, and just carried me upstairs and laid me on the bed, and sat by me and read to me till it tired my head (261). The extent to which Dr. Mitchell treated his female patients as children is apparent in his essay Fat and Blood. In regard to the rest cure he writes, Where at first the most absolute rest is desirable, I arrange to have the bowels and water passed while lying down (106). This aspect of the rest cure is also represented in The Yellow Wallpaper as the weird color and sm ell of the wallpaper that disgusts the narrator. The narrator complains, It is the strangest yellow, that wall-paper! It makes me think of all the yellow things I ever sawemdash;not beautiful ones like buttercups, but old foul, bad yellow things (265). She complains of the smell: It creeps all over the house (265). In this respect, the wallpaper symbolizes the diaper that the patient must wear. Both the wallpaper and the diaper represent the indignity of the patients treatment as infants. The fate of the female protagonist in The Yellow Wallpaper is Gilmans response to the misogynist view of hysteria from ancient times through the nineteenth century. The only option for women who are pigeonholed as mentally ill is to live up to societys expectation. Yet Gilman does not end The Yellow Wallpaper on a pessimistic note. She offers her protagonist hope in the form of the other women trapped behind the wallpaper. The narrator realizes the reason for the wallpapers ever-changing pattern:The front pattern does move-and no wonder! The woman behind shakes it! Sometimes I think there are a great many women behind, and sometimes only one, and she crawls around fast, and her crawling shakes it all over. (265)The narrator finds solace in the fact that she is not the only woman being mistreated. The narrator discovers that the only way to over come the yellow wallpaper and societys misconstrued views towards women is to unite with other oppressed women. She expresses her triumph over the wallpaper: I pulled and she shook, I shook and she pulled, and before morning we had peeled off yards of that paper (267). It is only when she unites with the other women trapped behind the wallpaper that she can start to see progress in the removal of the wallpaper. Hope for the role of women in society is also displayed through Gilmans use of imagery at the ending. The narrator questions her husbands response to her success over the wallpaper: Now why should that man have fainted? But he did, and right across my path by the wall, so I had to creep over him every time! (269). This image portrays the man as physically weaker than the woman since he is unconscious on the floor. The wifes actions of creeping over him suggest physical dominance. In this image, Gilman has reversed Dr. Weir Mitchells theory that females are the weaker sex. After a careful analysis of the textual evidence in The Yellow Wallpaper it is apparent that Gilmans purpose was far greater than scribing a supernatural tale. Although some of her reading audience found the mental degeneration of the main character disturbing, her purpose was to reveal the horrific way in which members of the medical profession treated women. The true irony lies in the fact that Gilman avenged the misogynist stereotype of the nineteenth-century woman by engaging in an activity that was forbidden by Dr. Mitchell. By choosing to disregard doctors orders in order to continue her own intellectual pursuits, Gilman forged the way for other women to question the validity of the medical communitys beliefs. Bibliography:Works CitedGilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Nervous Breakdown of Women:The Yellow Wallpaper. Women Writers: Texts and Contexts. Ed. Thomas L Erskine and Connie L. Richards. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1993. 67-75. . Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Study of the Short Fiction. Ed. Denise D Knight. New York, Twayne Publishers, 1997. 106-107. . The Yellow Wallpaper. American Realism Reader. Ed. James Nagel and Tom Quirk. New York: Penguin Books, 1997. 254-269. Hothersall, David. History of Psychology. 3rd Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1995. Meyer, Cheryl L. The Wandering Uterus: Politics and the Reproductive Rights of Women. New York: New York University Press, 1997. Mitchell, S. Weir. Fat and Blood: The Yellow Wallpaper. Women Writers: Texts and Contexts. Ed. Thomas L. Erskine and Connie L. Richards. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1993. 105-109. . Wear and Tear. The Yellow Wallpaper. Women Writers: Texts and Contexts. Ed. Thomas L Erksine and Connie L. Richards. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1993. 109-111. Palis, James., et al. The Hippocratic Concept of Hysteria: A Translation of the Original Texts. Integrative Psychiatry 3.3 (1985): 226-228.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Leonardo Da Vinci essays
Leonardo Da Vinci essays Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 14, 1452 in the town of Vinci located near Florence, Italy. He lived during the fifteenth century, which is a period when the people of Europe become fascinated with art. This period of time was known as the Renaissance period. As history tells it, Leonardo Da Vinci was very talented. He was known as a great artist, but he became famous because he was able to do so many other things. He was an architect, a musician, inventor, sculptor, scientist, and a mathematician. His artistic talent revealed its self early in his life. When he was about fifteen years old, Leonardos father took him to Florence Italy, to train as a painter and sculptor in the studio of Andrea del Verroccho. He studied with this master until the age of twenty five. At this point, he set up his own business and was famous for being a painter and a man of science. As a scientist, he observed everything he could out of nature. Leonardo used what he learned from nature and science to make his paintings to look realistic. He drew and took many notes of what he observed from the environment around him. HIs notes were written backwards, probably because he didnt want people to read about these wonderful discoveries and observations. In order to read Leonardos notes, one has to hold them up to a mirror. In 1472 he entered a painters professional group. His earliest extensive works date back to this time. In 1482 Da Vinci worked for Duke Lodovico Sforza in Milan for eighteen years. He accomplished the position as court artist, but also worked as an engineer and architect. While in Milan, Leonardo developed more theories about painting. Leonardo believed that knowledge should be based on observation. He believed that observation led to understanding, and artists had an responsibility to record this understanding by painting accu...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Unit 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unit 5 - Assignment Example This enables the study not to depend on a specific method of collecting data. With such an approach, the researcher is in a position to concentrate on situations that are more complex, but still have the situation context taken into account. The alternative is the restrictive approach; the case study on a particular issue has to be restricted by an event, time, or a particular place. This ensures that the study is more specific and the qualitative topic remains relevant. This approach also gave room for a more extensive and detailed study. Empirical investigation allowed me to use several sources as evidence to support the study. By using this approach, my work achieved an understanding that is deeper and gave room for the triangulation of the several data collection methods I used. The approach indicates the possibility of various sources of data, hence need for triangulation (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). The data collection approach involved the sharing of sentiments allowing data to be collected through observation from participants, in-depth interviews, documentation reviews, and questionnaire reviews. This made the collection of data an easy process and thus most suitable for my case study. The mixed method approach involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of both qualitative and quantitative data while considering the study of a particular phenomenon. A mixed method design is a representation of both an intuitive and logical appeal, which offers a platform for doing away with the gap between quantitative and qualitative paradigms. A mixed method approach will include the strength of both these approaches while at the same time minimizing the weaknesses of the respective approaches (Sun, 2009) The mixed method approach helps the researchers to consider a more defined and wide range of questions for research so that they are not restricted to a particular approach. More so, by having
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Community Health Concerns Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Community Health Concerns - Assignment Example According to a research conducted in 2004, in Alabama the chance of being overweight is greatest in white men (45.4%) and black females (40.7%) while white females has a slight chance of becoming obese (49.3%) (Chou, Grossman & Saffer, 2004). To be specific in Etowah County, research conducted in 2009, showed that the percentage for both female and male population was 50% of all the counties. Obese males were 36.9% and females38.2%. In 2009, the national average was 32.8% for males and 35.1% for females (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. (n.d). According to a report by Alliance for a Healthier Generation (2014), Alabama has the eighth highest rate of childhood obesity in the United States. 35% of the youth in Alabama are obese or overweight. As an advanced nurse practitioner, I will explore for means of change that will provide the upcoming generation with the opportunity to live a healthy and long life. Moreover, the resources that are at my disposal will mainly comprise of community health centres, schools and residential homes. I would utilize these settings to conduct education and care to obese individuals. My main concern is if the obese individuals are ready for a discussion about the issue. This is because patients tend to make personal decisions about their health care in the situation of complicated net of interactions related to social economics which the individuals have no control. An example is stress of living in chronic poverty or the individual’s lack of access to health care when young (Lange, 2012). One of the major challenges that I will encounter is culture diversity. People from different cultures adopt different eating habits and lifestyles. According to the information provided by National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHHES), disclosed that there are significant ethnic and racial discrepancies in obesity prevalence among U.S. adolescents and children (Fryar, Carroll &
Monday, January 27, 2020
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Prevention
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Prevention Administrative structure Bangladesh has 7 divisions, 64 districts and 489 upazilas or sub-districts [Bangladesh National Portal. Source:] and share borders with India (about 4,246 km) and Myanmar (193 km). Each upazila or sub-district consisting of multiple unions, each unions consisting of nine villages (in rural areas)/ wards (in metropolitan areas) and each ward consisting of multiple mauzas (in rural areas)/ mahallas (in metropolitan areas). In metropolitan or sub urban area, unions are replaced with pourashava i.e municipality and city corporation. There are 4550 unions [Bangladesh National Portal. Source:], 56348 mouzas, 11 city corporations and 317 municipalities in Bangladesh [Bangladesh bureau of statistics (BBS). 2014. Statistical pocketbook of Bangladesh-2013:]. Source: Cabinet Division- Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh: Control scenario Following are the scenario to control the HPAI in Bangladesh- Stumping out- Bangladesh government approved traditional â€Å"stamping out†control strategy to fight against HPAI since its first detection in 2007. A basic â€Å"stamping out†consist of (a) infection detection (b) affected bird quarantine and (c) culling of affected and in-contact poultry (d) decontamination and (e) surveillance after outbreak. At beginning, the government implemented stamping out in the affected farm and all farms located in 5 KM radius of affected farm. Then government revised this decision due to poultry industry protest and enacted new â€Å"stamping out†rule: stamping out in affected farm and all farms located in 1 KM radius of affected farm. Currently stamping out was only limited to the affected poultry farms (1, 2). Early detection and early response were stressed to control the HPAI in Bangladesh, but late reporting and late response usually hampered the early detection and early response process in Bangladesh. To facilitate the early detection, a HPAI active surveillance program through SMS based reporting system was introduced in Bangladesh which was closed because of fund crisis. In addition, avian influenza compensation strategy was adapted for the owner of the culled poultry farmer in June 2008 which was also closed due to fund availability. Under those circumstances the number of informing gradually reduced (1). Restriction in the movement of poultry Limit in the poultry movement was also enforced but this process was not successful to limit the entry of sick poultry into the live bird market (1). Vaccination (trial basis) in parent stock and commercial layer farm Islam (2015) stated that though Bangladesh introduced vaccination at certain areas in 2013 and 2015, the effect of vaccination is still need to be assessed (1). According to vaccination policy, vaccination on poultry flock is depend on farmer determination, however permission from livestock authority is necessary as livestock authority is responsible for post-vaccination investigation. In addition, poultry farmer is responsible to pay the immunisation and vaccine expenses. In the trial site, vaccination was carried on parent stock (100%) and commercial layer flock (50%), however vaccination was not done in broiler flock. According to number of farm in the trial site, a lower percentage of commercial layer poultry farms were came under vaccination in Gazipur (33%) and Bajitpur (55%). Trial documented uneven antibody response in between the farm and within the poultry farm. In addition, an unprotective antibody level (2 5 (or32)) has been documented in few poultry bird. On the other ha nd, many poultry birds documented protective antibody level (from Log2 5 to Log2 6). Antibody level ranged Log2 5 to Log2 6 is assumed to provide protection against clinical HPAI while this level is unable to reduce the shedding of HPAI. The trial also documented diverse antibody response with different type of vaccine. Post-vaccination outbreaks has been documented in many countries mainly due to scarce vaccination coverage in the main host species (1). Outreach and health education: 10 recommendation messages (Table 1) has been published by Bangladesh government to prevent HPAI H5N1 in human and disseminate those through TV, radio, print media and Department of Livestock Service led public meeting. Government adopted those recommendation from a UNICEF-WHO-FAO-Japan Government joint publication (3). Shanta et al. (2012) documented the percentage of backyard poultry raiser who trailed Bangladesh Government 10 messages after four yours of first detection of HPAI H5N1 in Bangladesh and stated that government should revised 10 messages to lower the risk of HPAI H5N1 in human population (Figure 1). In addition the author stressed on communication pathway and appropriateness of proposed human behaviour in HPAI H5N1 control program (3, 4). Sultana et al. (2012) has the similar findings and also stated that backyard poultry farmers unable to follow the government message because bringing change in low earned backyard poultry farmer existing behaviour require more time an d more financial capacity (5). Table 1: Bangladesh Government 10 recommendation or message to prevent HPAI H5N1 transmission in human (3) Figure 1: Percentage of backyard poultry raiser who trailed Bangladesh Government 10 messages to prevent HPAI H5N1 transmission in Human (2009-2011) (3, 4) Bangladesh adopted different control measure from basic stamping out technique to vaccination (mentioned in above section) since first detection of HPAI H5N1 in poultry in 2007. There is a very limited alternative control method left except strengthening the current control measure to control the HPAI in Bangladesh. After reviewing the control methods in my opinion stamping out a combination of stamping out (only on the affected farm) and vaccination on 1 km radius around the affected farm can be a best practice to control HPAI in Bangladesh. For example, one study proposed a combination of stamping out (1 km radius around the affected farm) and vaccination (3 km radius around the affected farm) to control AI in Belgium (6). Second best control option, stamping out only in the affected farm, which is currently practicing in Bangladesh, is the best method for controlling AI in Bangladesh as the number of bird culling is limited when we compare it with stamping out in 1 km radius and 5 km radius around the affected farm. Third best control option, vaccination in layer, broiler and backyard poultry is an alternative control method for Bangladesh. However, regular monitoring on post-vaccination flock with veterinary authority is necessary to prevent the outbreak of avian influenza with vaccine strai n. For example, one study identified AI in a vaccinated poultry without presentation ill signs even though many birds demonstrate high antibody level (Log 27 to Log 28) (7). The worst control method, â€Å"stamping out†in 1 km radius and 5 km radius around the affected farm as Bangladesh has high poultry density (1460 poultry/km2) (8) and culling of large number of birds lead to financial loss of poultry farmer. The following are the items that will need to estimate the prevention and control costs per method 1.Islam MR. Global and local challenges in the control of avian influenza. 9th International Poultry Show Seminar; Dhaka, Bangladesh: World Poultry Science Association-Bangladesh Branch; 2015. p. 5-14. 2.Haider M, Applebaum B. Disease Management of Avian Influenza H5N1 in Bangladesh-A Focus on Maintaining Healthy Live Birds: INTECH Open Access Publisher; 2011. 3.icddrb. Backyard poultry raising practices in Bangladesh: implications for risk of avian inflenza infection in humans. Health and Science Bulletin 2012;10:1-8. 4.Shanta IS, Hasnat MA, Mikolon A, Khan MSU, Haider N, Bhuyan AA, et al. Backyard Poultry Rearing Practices in Bangladesh: Implications for Risk of Avian Inflenza. 2012 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases; March 11-14, 2012; Atlanta, Georgia Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2012. 5.Sultana R, Rimi NA, Azad S, Islam MS, Khan MSU, Gurley ES, et al. Bangladeshi backyard poultry raisers’ perceptions and practices related to zoonotic transmission of avian influenza. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 2011 2011;6(02):156-65. 6.Vandendriessche Y, Gellynck X, Saatkamp H, Dewulf J, Van Steenwinkel S, Vermeire B, et al. Economic evaluation of strategies to control high pathogenic avian influenza in Belgium. Lucrari stiintifice Seria Zootehnie-Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Ion Ionescu de la Brad (Romania). 2010. 7.Giasuddin M, Rahman MH, Hasan M, Karim MR. Isolation of Avian Influenza Viruses from Vaccinated Chicken Flocks of Bangladesh. In: Husain M, editor. 8th One Health Bangladesh Conference; Dhaka, Banfgladesh: Scientific Sub-Committee, 8th One Health Bangladesh Conference; 2015. p. 7. 8.Biswas PK, Christensen JP, Ahmed SSU, Barua H, Das A, Rahman MH, et al. Avian influenza outbreaks in chickens, Bangladesh. Emerging infectious diseases. 2008 2008;14(12).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Men are violent by nature Essay
In the essay â€Å"Men – It’s In Their Nature,†Hoff Sommers states that although the â€Å"radical masculinity†should be addressed and civilized, it should not be eliminated because it is something natural and without it men would not be able to protect women and society. She argues that trying to make boys behave like girls does a disservice to boys’ natural talent. As Hoff Sommers claims, it is more of †††â€Å"men’s nature††††and what society has to do is to civilize and handle the natural masculinity in men. There are strong influences in society, including media, school, and culture that overwhelmingly define aggressive male behavior. While these are undeniable physical properties, even from birth, gender roles are defined for children. Men must abandon notion they are violent by nature I remember my dad telling me about a woman he met this past summer in a small farming community who told hi m her husband beat her every few weeks. We’re surrounded by violence. Kids will see hundreds of violent deaths on television. Children will see other kids get spanked by their parents and learn that violence and love go hand-to-hand. Children The behavior is influenced by the massagers about gender that kids get from their parents, friends, teachers, and the media. Many parents, teachers, and gender reform have not been successful in rooting out male behavior they regard as harmful. For example, an â€Å"equity facilitator†tried to persuade a group of nine-year-old boys in a Baltimore public school to accept the idea of playing with baby dolls. According to one observer, â€Å"Their reaction was so hostile; the teacher had trouble keeping order (Sommers 366).†Sommers’ present’ research that asserts that the nature of men is a matter of biology, not conditioning, and schools should stop attempting to change natural gender roles in society. Biology is a factor in some aspects of male and female behavior, but the education of gender roles is society is constantly broadcast from parents, television, and teachers. Behavior adapts to the prevailing culture, not necessarily to biological ho rmones. â€Å"A Scientific American reviewed the growing evidence that children’s play preferences are, in large part, hormonally determined (Sommers 367).†Scientific date is no longer relevant; it is the culture of a particular society that is the major influence. Because all individual must exist within different societies, much of the behavior is engineered from laws, religion, and culture. If there was a law the demanded that man stay home and women work, then the behavior would respond that law and not to the biological nature of an individual’s sex. â€Å"We have a set of proven social practices for raising young men. The traditional approach is through character education to develop a young man’s sense of honor and help him become a considerate, conscientious human being (Sommers 367).†Yes, there are social practices in society, home, school, that encourage men to be dominant. In Saudi Arabia, Men are entitled to divorce without explanation simply by registering a statement to the court and repeating it three times. By contrast, most women lack the right to divorce. Sommers also discusses, â€Å"the efforts to feminize them with dolls, quilts, non-competitive games, girl-centered books, and feelings exercises will fail; though they will succeed in making millions of boys quite unhappy(Sommers 368).†There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of such as those that encourage men who rape women to marry their victims. I don’t feel we should be trying to redirect their interests or feminize them to accomplish this, instead teach them how to use what comes natural to them for the greater good. Men have helped to get us this far through their competitive drive, risk taking, and sometimes their aggression. Sommers present scientific data that support the hardwired characteristics of men and women. The scientific data is valid, but in everyday life men and women are expected by society, to conform to tradition roles for men and women. There are many instances where there is a behavior that is hardwired from biology, but behaviors are still learned. A man may open a door for a woman because he was told that’s how you treat a woman. Sommers may have valid points about natural gender role, but she forgot the fact that behavior can never be learned from just science.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Role of Strategic Leadership
Over time the concept of leadership has changed. In a contemporary learning environment, leadership has demonstrated the need to overcome recurring challenges to allow room for the development of great qualities that make up an effective leader. Not everyone can be in leadership positions; however, as aspiring young leaders develop a new comprehensive and collaborative framework they will improve their leadership practice. This is not to say that they will be effective leaders.I feel that experience is key in many ways because through the leadership simulation it has allowed me to evolve and improve on the whole concept of the responsibility of being and effective leader. Throughout my years in education I saw many schools experiencing the need for improvement in as far as leadership is concerned. The principles of leadership simulation continue to enhance leadership growth and development in the 21st century. We now know what the role of a leader is about.Many times I felt, from pas t experience in dealing with more then one administrator, that we have always lacked this one thing; that is, effective communication. Participating in the simulation period has really allowed me to be more open to suggestion during my quest for more leadership experience. I have weak points that I need to address. However, being in athletics has made me more tolerant and more outspoken. In addition, I still need to learn a few things about leadership because there is always room for improvement.Throughout my experience while taking this leadership course I have learnt that leadership revolves around the central role of providing problem solution in order to achieve set objectives. It gave me a clear understanding of the unique styles of different types of leaders as well as learning the type of leader I am. In my experience through the simulation periods I felt there was a need for each participant to be involved as much as possible. This would allow them to grow as individuals thr ough people they don’t know and never seen.Even though we all had different theories of how things should have been done I felt that we accomplished a lot together. My understanding of the leadership course is that it demonstrates the general concept of the leadership framework. Leadership framework that offers problem-based experience that engages participants in addressing real world problems and situations in a learning environment. I know that principals and school leaders are expected to encourage critical, creative and strategic thinking in an environment that is collaborative.I am aware of strategic pedestal that leaders use to influence the effects on the school success. This will only through creative analysis of strategic base within the limits of school policy as well as solving organizational problems of schools. I felt that the leadership courses builds on the principles of problem solving as well as critical thinking skills in a realistic world that is typical o f collaboration, consultation and interactive simulation.Ultimately, as a school leader over the athletic department it is my responsibility to demonstrate experience and expertise in making decisions that may influence the success of the athletic program. Strategic leadership addresses effective management and planning so as to achieve an organization’s goals or a group’s targets. Scholars define strategic leadership as a person’s ability to expect, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically and work with others to create a viable future for the organization (Ireland &Hitt, 2005).According to strategic leadership theory organizations are a reflection of their top level managers, and most especially the executive. The experiences, knowledge and values of the top executive shape the organization’s destiny. It is important that top executives collect important data in order too make wise decisions for their organizations. My experience as a high sc hool athletic director has taught me the importance of a leader’s knowledge, values and experiences in helping him or her make better decisions for advancing the organization’s objectives.Through my vast experience I have been able to note events and situations that tend to repeat themselves over the course of time so that I am better able to prepare for their reoccurrence. Also, the knowledge I have gained over the years through studies, work and other sources has directly or indirectly shaped the direction of my decisions. Again most of my decisions have been determined by my values; the primary value being service to others. As the high school athletic director, I deal with coaches and athletes on a daily basis since I run the athletic program.My decisions are therefore key to the progress of the athletic program. My knowledge, values and experiences impact the direction that the program takes because these factors determine my decisions for the program. Through the leadership course I have developed an appreciation for the importance of effective communication as a tool that any good leader should perfect in order to ensure the progress and future of his organization. I have developed an appreciation for the relation between good communication and effective collection of data that is critical to decision making for leaders.When a leader is able to effectively communicate with his team then he is in a position to effect quality operation of the organization. However when the leader is not able to effectively communicate his vision to his team then chances are that the organization’s future may become uncertain citing inability of the team to stir the organization towards what the leader has identified as the direction that the organization ought to take. In other cases conflict and animosity may occur due to bad communication.Conflict within a team breeds disharmony among the team members which effectively reduces cooperation. This ther efore retards the organization’s growth. As a high school athletic director, I have responsibility of stirring the program towards success. Having noted that there is a need to improve communication in school administration, and with my new found knowledge about the importance of effective communication, I will strive to improve communication between me and the coaches, athletes and school administrators.Thanks to the leadership course and the simulations I am better able to deal with these people, in tune with my leadership style. As a leader I can therefore say that I am in a better position, thanks to the leadership course to effectively lead the athletic program to ensure its development and survival. The concept of leadership has changed over time, so that leaders of today have more advanced and unique expectations than those of the past. Different individual have different leadership styles.What is to note however is that, no matter the variation in leadership style, co mmunication is key to effective leadership. Strategy, critical thinking and a problem solving attitude are also prerequisites to effective leadership. References Ireland, R. D. , & Hitt, M. A. (2005). Achieving and Maintaining Strategic Competitiveness in the 21st Century: The Role of Strategic Leadership. Retrieved August 7, 2010 from, http://www. nwcor. com/NWCOR/Content/Readings/Chapter 13-StrategicLdrshp- AME CLassic. pdf
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How to Write and Structure a Persuasive Speech
The purpose of a persuasive speech is to convince your audience to agree with an idea or opinion that you present. First, youll need to choose a side on a controversial topic, then you will write a speech to explain your position, and convince the audience to agree with you. You can produce an effective persuasive speech if you structure your argument as a solution to a problem. Your first job as a speaker is to convince your audience that a particular problem is important to them, and then you must convince them that you have the solution to make things better. Note: You dont have to address a real problem. Any need can work as the problem. For example, you could consider the lack of a pet, the need to wash ones hands, or the need to pick a particular sport to play as the problem. As an example, lets imagine that you have chosen Getting Up Early as your persuasion topic. Your goal will be to persuade classmates to get themselves out of bed an hour earlier every morning. In this instance, the problem could be summed up as morning chaos. A standard speech format has an introduction with a great hook statement, three main points, and a summary. Your persuasive speech will be a tailored version of this format. Before you write the text of your speech, you should sketch an outline that includes your hook statement and three main points. Writing the Text The introduction of your speech must be compelling because your audience will make up their minds within a few minutes whether or not they are interested in your topic. Before you write the full body you should come up with a greeting. Your greeting can be as simple as Good morning everyone. My name is Frank. After your greeting, you will offer a hook to capture attention. A hook sentence for the morning chaos speech could be a question: How many times have you been late for school?Does your day begin with shouts and arguments?Have you ever missed the bus? Or your hook could be a statistic or surprising statement: More than 50 percent of high school students skip breakfast because they just dont have time to eat.Tardy kids drop out of school more often than punctual kids. Once you have the attention of your audience, follow through to define the topic/problem and introduce your solution. Heres an example of what you might have so far: Good afternoon, class. Some of you know me, but some of you may not. My name is Frank Godfrey, and I have a question for you. Does your day begin with shouts and arguments? Do you go to school in a bad mood because youve been yelled at, or because you argued with your parent? The chaos you experience in the morning can bring you down and affect your performance at school. Add the solution: You can improve your mood and your school performance by adding more time to your morning schedule. You can accomplish this by setting your alarm clock to go off one hour earlier. Your next task will be to write the body, which will contain the three main points youve come up with to argue your position. Each point will be followed by supporting evidence or anecdotes, and each body paragraph will need to end with a transition statement that leads to the next segment. Here is a sample of three main statements: Bad moods caused by morning chaos will affect your workday performance.If you skip breakfast to buy time, youre making a harmful health decision.(Ending on a cheerful note) Youll enjoy a boost to your self-esteem when you reduce the morning chaos. After you write three body paragraphs with strong transition statements that make your speech flow, you are ready to work on your summary. Your summary will re-emphasize your argument and restate your points in slightly different language. This can be a little tricky. You dont want to sound repetitive but will need to repeat what you have said. Find a way to reword the same main points. Finally, you must make sure to write a clear final sentence or passage to keep yourself from stammering at the end or fading off in an awkward moment. A few examples of graceful exits: We all like to sleep. Its hard to get up some mornings, but rest assured that the reward is well worth the effort.If you follow these guidelines and make the effort to get up a little bit earlier every day, youll reap rewards in your home life and on your report card. Tips for Writing Your Speech Dont be confrontational in your argument. You dont need to put down the other side; just convince your audience that your position is correct by using positive assertions.Use simple statistics. Dont overwhelm your audience with confusing numbers.Dont complicate your speech by going outside the standard three points format. While it might seem simplistic, it is a tried and true method for presenting to an audience who is listening as opposed to reading.
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