Thursday, October 31, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business law - Essay Example For claiming the business deal undertaken by Sally to be a contract, there must be four significant aspects which are: Offer and Acceptance: Any legal contract must have proper offer and acceptance where one party makes the offer and the other agrees to it. Offer is demarcated as an instance when one individual indicates the willingness to make a business deal. Offer is made by a party by considering the acceptance of other party. The true purpose of offer should be to make legal association2. An offer is an appearance of readiness to contract on specific terms. Offer must be made with the aim that will become obligatory on acceptance. Offer allows the party to approve it and delivers the base of agreement. Offer can exist when objective is involved in purchaser’s words or conduct i.e. intention to commit certain act lawfully to the terms the purchaser recommends3. Communication: Effective communication is a vital aspect for a business contract. The offeree should know regardi ng the offer. The communication should be developed or sanctioned by the offeror. The purchaser cannot approve to something which he/she has no knowledge. Accordingly, the seller should communicate the offer in an intended way4. Consideration: Consideration is essential for proving the validity of contract. Only an ordinary statement of agreement cannot develop a contract. Consideration is regarded as a promise to provide something and gain something in exchange of it5. Assurance: The conditions of contract which are involved in the offer should be clear enough so that they can provide sensible basis for defining the reality of breach in relation to the contract and thus help to enforce action. In terms of product sale, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) provides criteria in several occasions such as price, time, location of delivery, or payment rules4. Step 3: Application of Law to the Fact In the context of the case study, the above aspects of a legal contract were missing. For instanc e, proper offer and acceptance was not made by the parties. Peter and Burt both had stated to Sally that they intend to purchase the bike. However, it differs from an offer because they did not reach an agreement with Sally that they will purchase the bike. The second essential element of contract i.e. proper communication was absent between Sally and the parties. Although Peter has offered a deal to Sally regarding purchasing of the bike, without his awareness the offer of Peter has been accepted by Sally which was her intentional communication for selling. Furthermore, communication should be made or certified by the offeror. With respect to mutual consideration, it can be observed that the contract had lack of consideration. Although Peter and Burt had specified that they expect to purchase the bike, they had not promised about purchasing. Ultimately, there was no assurance of parties about purchasing. Peter and Burt had not specified any time for purchase in the e-mail and Sally also did not approve any reasonable time for delivery of the bike to Peter. Without a reasonable time, offer cannot be measured as lawful. Step 4: Conclusion Judging from the above aspects, it can be observed that Sally has not made proper contract with any of them i.e. Peter and Burt. There was absence of communication, assurance and consideration. Besides, appropriate offer and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
God In You Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
God In You - Essay Example Dreams illuminate our lives; however, the peaks are higher than the imagination. Jeremiah feels a great joy to participate in God’s work in the hearts and lives of people. God keeps his servants humble and saves them from temptation and self-centeredness. The devotion should be continuous and constant. The commitment is for life; and our dreams should be greater than our memories. When disciples worry about the future and ask to see the Father, Jesus answers that the Father dwells in Him and He is acting on his behalf. Jesus told his disciples that all his words, the miracles he accomplished and all deeds are God’s actions, not His. Jesus Explains that his presence is not necessary, God’s work will continue and that they may even have greater accomplishment than Him. He urges them to look in the future and not look back. Even though Jesus’ hint that his disciples can do greater work may be blasphemous, he invokes their beliefs and faith. In fact, the promi se of doing greater work is linked to the coming of the Holy Spirit. However, Jesus had to leave for the Holy Spirit to come, which he clearly explained to his disciples. Therefore Jesus’ crucifixion, then ascension, was followed by the pouring of the Holy Spirit that becomes the third part of the Trinity. Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, â€Å"Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole†(NKJV, Acts 4: 8-10). Jesus advocates the importance of the spiritual over the material and the eternal over the temporal. â€Å"Then Jesus, being filled with the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Intercultural communication- individual reflection
Intercultural communication- individual reflection Intercultural Communication- Individual reflection The essay looks at the reflection of the group work exercise. In doing so it looks at firstly what is meant by culture. On the basis of defining culture, it further looks at the communication barriers within intercultural teams when working within groups. Based on some theoretical models, the essay tries to identify the issues that arose during the group work. Some analytical view has been given to these issues based on the theoretical concepts to try and give some recommendations and guidelines for effective intercultural group work. Definitions and Special terms: Culture can be defined in many ways. A historic perspective of culture accentuates on traditions being inherited and amassed over time focus on fleeting down the culture. According to Gibson (2002), culture is not used in the senses of literature, music and art; it is more than in the sense of a shared system of attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviour. The way people greet each other, dress, negotiate and resolve conflict, and even the way visual information is seen and perceived. Moreover Gibson (2002) illustrates the concept of culture by using various models such as iceberg model, onion model and tree model. The iceberg model reflects the tangible expressions of culture and behaviour are above the surface of the water, and the attitudes, beliefs, values and meanings underlie the water. The onion model is a layer of culture, which can be peeled away to reveal underlying basic assumptions. For instance, the out layers are behaviour, products, rituals and symbols, under layers are f undamentals, such as attitudes, beliefs and values. Furthermore, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) describe this is explicit and implicit level of culture. Gibson (2002) describes, the tree model contrasts visible and hidden culture, with the roots providing an image of the historical origins of culture. Moving between cultures is like transplanting a treeâ€â€to be successful, the roots have to be protected, and support will be needed in the new environment. The main difference in conditioned assumptions and preferences which is seen between cultures stems from what Hofstede calls the collective mental programming, which differentiate member of one group from another (1980:21). This process as per many researchers has resulted in cultural values (Kirkman Shapiro, 1997). The Values , stated as a broad capability to prefer certain states of affairs to others (Hofstede, 1980: 19), shows significant influences on individual capabilities (Geletkanycz, 1997; Shackleton and Ali, 1990). In this regard cultural values, assumptions and preferences, build the underlying main structure of culture, whereas methods of activity and behaviours are the cultures only visible manifestation (Schein, 1985). As a result, the values associated within a culture are reflected in the conditioned assumptions and preferences, which helps members during the daily actions. Indeed there may be cultural differences within different countries (Locke, 1995), National cu ltural values are found to vary in a systematic manner more across cultures than within them (Adler, 1997; Hofstede, 1980). Within any group work, communication is vital. Then again within different members of the group from diverse backgrounds the communication tends to be diverse as well. What actually is meant by such intercultural communication? According to Stoner (2009), communication is a verbal statement meant by one person. However, Littlejohe (1992) argues communication to be the transmission of information or symbolic communication such as language, signs, imagers by means of which they are often transmission. Mehrabian (1981) identified, there are three ways of human face of face communication such as body language, voice tonality, and words. Rosengren (2000) describe, communication is a combination of nonverbal, visual and understanding the field of communication. According to Tian (2000), Communication is one of the most important functions to master in order for any business to succeed in todays increasingly competitive markets, particularly for firms doing business internationally. Gudykun st (1994: 129-136) suggests three ways of interpreting other persons behaviour: Perception checking Listening effectively Giving feedback According to Gudykunst (2005), theorizing the communication within culture has had a tremendous progress within last 20 years. Initial attempts of theorizing the subject had been based on the values and assumptions of the cultures, but over the time most theories are supported by the researches. In order to reflect back on the intercultural issues that came up during group work, these have been addressed based around the theoretical models of cultural dimensions developed by researchers and explained within the model definitions in an analytical manner. Collectivism versus individualism: Looking at the cultural dimension of collectivism versus individualism, it can be said that there was a sense of social connectedness (Earley Gibson, 1998) within the team. It can be said that in contrast to individualism, whereby individual team members tend to look after themselves, there is a sense of collectivist efforts towards the team putting their interests towards the group work (Hofstede, 1991). There is a sense of collectivist team effort of finding pleasure in working together like a social group (Chen et al., 1998; Cox et al., 1991; Earley, 1998). Being in a collectivist culture the team members feel closely connected and committed to the project (Boyacigiller Adler, 1991). There is emphasizes on harmony and cooperation within group members (Kim et al., 1994) and reciprocal cooperation of each member to assist in each tasks (Cox et al., 1991). Yet there was a sense of lack of direction by the group leader. For e.g. the leaders authority or instructions were not adhered to which led to many tasks being unaccomplished. The carefree attitude of the group members was evident throughout the project. As mentioned by Hamden-Turner Trompendaars (1993), Hofstede, 1980 and Triandis, 1983, the group members considered themselves as independent self-controlling entities and emphasized their identity as unique, independent individual. There was a more of an individualistic orientation whereby; individuals focussed on personal gain in combination or regardless of others often taking a competitive stance so as to maximize ones own gain, while hurting those of other team members (Pruitt, 1981; Graham, 1986; Graham et al., 1988). Power Distance: The dimension of power distance reflects a cultures acceptance of social inequality. In different words, power distance refers to the limit that those in lower social groups accept as a given the power and status of those in higher groups.In societies where power distance is at higher side,there is mostly a universal acceptance of notion ,that those with higher status deserve the respect they are afforded without any question Unquestioning tends to greater levels of loyalty in organizational context and the taking of actions only after total approval of the superior. In high power distance cultures, policy of centralized decision making is followed rather than exception (Hofstede, 1980), presenting formidable barriers to teams that are highly interdependent (Shane, 1993). Thus, this should not be taken as a surprise that research suggests that members with a high power distance orientation will o seek approval before initiating any action, since they are accountable to having those at the top of the hierarchy make final decisions (Ueno and Sekaran, 1992). Generally, individuals with high power distance orientation are uncomfortable in determining authority and having decision-making powers given to them (Adler, 1997; Hofstede, 1980, 1991). Within the group, team members at times were with a sense of low in power distance and inclined to be more of egalitarian in nature. These group members largely (though not completely) viewed each other as equals. Specifically, members within this cultural dimension interacted vertically within the group work and always seeking for approval and resources from those in power of other teams (Katz and Tushman, 1983). However, it is argued that the method of equality diminishes hierarchical power in organizations and further it encourage acting without full sanction from ones superiors in low power distance cultures. Hence, these members followed agendas of their own and were bypassing the leader (Howell and Higgins, 1991). That said these practices did not preclude those individuals from helping, when needed. Such member were always on wait for those in power but only if the need arose (Howell and Higgins, 1991). Consequently, members low in power distance orientation were more effectiv e in supportive of team actions requiring upward interactions, while members high in power distance were less effective and indeed reluctant to do so. Uncertainty avoidance: Uncertainty avoidance has been defined as the limit to which the members of a culture feel afraid by uncertain or unpredictable situations (Hofstede, 1991: 113). Individuals from high uncertainty avoidance cultures feel uncomfortable dealing with uncertain situations, and therefore look for clarification when theey are in doubt (Hofstede, 1980). Cultures high on uncertainty avoidance prefers for structure and clarification, which results in an increment of formal rules and regulations in those cultures. In contrast, individuals from low uncertainly avoidance cultures tend to prefer a less regulated or strict organizational structure, hence opting to deal with ambiguous situations rather than seek clarification (Hofstede, 1991). In terms of uncertainty avoidance, it can be said the group members were threatened by the unknown situation of a group member leaving the team. In such there was a breakdown of the project events, which led to some low confidence within each members as this member was the group leader and also had strong characteristics. As per Hofstede such situation leads to not only less confidence and less motivation, but also lacks innovative thinking. Thus the uncertainty avoidance led to a resistance in innovation and creativity by the team members. It was this uncertainty avoidance, which led to a threat situation for the whole team. Avoidance/Addressing behaviour Another dimension, which was noticed during the project work, was avoidance / addressing behaviour. The group either denied there was a conflict existing or even acknowledging that a conflict exists. The team members tended to change the subject, when someone tried to discuss thereby involving avoidance behaviour cultural dimension. Avoidance tactics included topic shifting to avoid the specific issue of conflict, avoiding a member altogether, postponing discussion, talking about abstract things rather than the conflict on hand, silence and denying that a problem exists (Canary, Cunningham Cody, 1988). Avoidance behaviour as per Weldon et al., (1996) exists when members do nothing to deal with the situation. As previously mentioned the group had a more of a collectivist approach. Hence research suggests, collectivists are more of avoiding a conflict than individualists who address it more likely (Adler et al., 1992, Barnland, 1975, Cupach, 1982, Graham, 1984, Graham et al., 1987). Recommendations Guidelines: Addressing the above issues, it can be said diverse cultures within a team tend to correspond to basic assumptions preferences and highly influence them to move towards a cultural dimensions addressed above. Let us look at some recommendations based on the theories surrounding these dimensions to provide guidelines for future project. It is important that within a group the collectivist approach seems apt when working towards a project (Trompenaars Hampden-Turner (1997:52). They further add the manager or leader to be seriously affected by individualist approach. It is important to note certain areas of vital importance like negotiation, decision-making and motivation. As a leader there should be incentive based projects. This should relate to the achievement be it in academic terms or in a company project in monetary terms based on performance. Based on the empirical studies, the issue of power distance relates more towards individualism (Bochner Hesketh, 1994; Bond, Wan et al., 1985; Franke, Hofstede et al., 1991). It is this individualistic approach at times, where there should be focus on equality among team members versus hierarchical structure. This is based on the assumption that treating members within a group as equal individuals is the best way to motivate them (Hampden Turner Trompenaars, 1993). Research suggests that interaction with outside constituents enables members to deal with any external threats or opportunities, which might confront them by allowing members to understand the ambiguities within their environment (Ancona Cadwell 1992a; Lyonski et al., 1988). It is the acquisition of information, which reduces the ambiguities and avoids uncertainties. Members should not rely on one team member and should look for support either within themselves or look for outside support from their tutors and avoid ambiguities or uncertainties (Hofstede, 1991). As for avoiding conflict by not addressing it, it is best to move towards a direct behaviour dimension of culture. This should include acknowledging conflict and overt actions in contrast to not acknowledging it (Chua Gudykunst, 1987). As per Weldon et al., 1996, members using overt actions will conduct conflict management behaviour in a professional manner. In conclusion it is important to note that the cultural dimensions play an important role within any team and it project. The interaction of team members effects from a combination of cultural values be it from a specific country. Each team has a varied combination of people and therefore there are various challenges, which may imply different norms and styles. However there needs to be some agreement on how to make decisions, a leaders attitude on how to deal with conflict etc. Bibliography: Applegate, J. L. and Sypher, H. E. (1988) Constructivist theory and intercultural communication research. Beverly Hill: Sage Baldwin, J. R. (2006). Redefining Culture: Perspective across disciplines. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum associates Bochner, S. (1994) ‘Cross-Cultural Differences in the Self Concept: A Test of Hofstedes Individualism/Collectivism Distinction. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Hip Hops Effect on American Culture Essay -- Rap Music and Pop Cultur
Hip hop has permeated popular culture in an unprecedented fashion. Because of its crossover appeal, it is a great unifier of diverse populations. Although created by black youth on the streets, hip hop's influence has become well received by a number of different races in this country. A large number of the rap and hip hop audience is non-black. It has gone from the fringes, to the suburbs, and into the corporate boardrooms. Because it has become the fastest growing music genre in the U.S., companies and corporate giants have used its appeal to capitalize on it. Although critics of rap music and hip hop seem to be fixated on the messages of sex, violence, and harsh language, this genre offers a new paradigm of what can be (Lewis, 1998.) The potential of this art form to mend ethnic relations is substantial. Hip hop has challenged the system in ways that have unified individuals across a rich ethnic spectrum. This art form was once considered a fad has kept going strong for more than three decades. Generations consisting of Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and Asians have grown up immersed in hip-hop. Hip hop represents a realignment of America?s cultural aesthetics. Rap songs deliver a message, again and again, to keep it real. It has influenced young people of all races to search for excitement, artistic fulfillment, and a sense of identity by exploring the black underclass (Foreman, 2002). Though it is music, many people do not realize that it is much more than that. Hip hop is a form of art and culture, style, and language, and extension of commerce, and for many, a natural means of living. The purpose of this paper is to examine hip hop and its effect on American culture. Different aspects of hip hop will also be examined to shed some light that helps readers to what hip hop actually is. In order to see hip hop as a cultural influence we need to take a look at its history. Throughout American history there has always been some form of verbal acrobatics or jousting involving rhymes within the Afro-American community. Signifying, testifying, shining of the Titanic, the Dozens, school yard rhymes, prison ?jail house? rhymes and double Dutch jump rope rhymes, are some of the names and ways that various forms of raps have manifested. Modern day rap music finds its immediate roots in the toasting and dub talk over elements of reggae music (George, 1998).... ... 3. Fernando, S.H., (1994). The New Beats. New York: Anchor Books Doubleday. 4. Foreman, (2002). The Hood Comes First: Race, Space, and Place in Rap and Hip hop. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press. 5. Rose, Patricia (1991, Summer). ?Fear of a Black Planet: Rap Music and Black Cultural Politics in the 1990s,?. The Journal of Negro Education, 60 (3). 6. Potter, (1996, Jan.). ?Black by Popular Demand,? Premiere, 9, 39. 7. Kakutani, (1998, Feb.) ?Common Threads: Why Are Homeboys and Surbanites Wearing Each Other?s Clothes The New York Times Magazine, 18. 8. Lewis, (1998, Dec.). ?Hip Hop Gives Birth to Its Own Black Economy,? The San Francisco Examiner. , 1998. 9. Hilburn, Robert (1998). Year in Review/ Pop Music; in the shadow of Hip Hop; Rap is Where the Action is, and its Popularity Still Hasn?t Peaked. Could Rock ?N? Roll Be Finally Dead The Los Angeles Times, December 27, 1998, 6. 10. Chideya, Farai (1997, Mar. 4). ?All Eyez on US Time, 147 (10). 11. Farley, C. (1996, Feb. 8). ?Hip Hop Nation Time, 153. 12. Hip Hop Nation Is Exhibit A For America?s Latest Cultural Revolution, (2004), Time, 201.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues Essay
D1. Develop productive working relationships with colleagues 4) How to identify conflicts of interest with colleagues and the measurements that can be used to manage or remove them A conflict of interest occurs when an individual or organisation is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other. An example of this between colleagues could be the staff wants to have training to gain more knowledge, but the manager wants them delivering sales therefore being on the phones so not to loose out on any business. These are two conflicts of interest, i. e. revenue the business makes vs. new learning skills the agents gain. The way to manage this is to ensure both interest of colleagues are satisfied or a compromise is allowed. For example the compromise could be that if the agents receive the learning sessions and are off the phones, that they have a shorter break to ensure the company is still getting money. This would resolve the issue and both parties would be satisfied. Assessing both sides when there are conflicts of interest is important, as it puts into perspective what affects each individual. This should be discussed possibly in a group meeting, and a solution put together to make sure everyone is happy with the final outcome. ) How to take account of diversity issues when developing working relationships with colleagues Diversity in a business means that the company has a diverse work force this can consist of a range of different cultures, men and women, people of many generations, people from ethnically and racially diverse backgrounds. A company that supports the diversity of its workforce can also improve employee satisfaction. Diversity is beneficial to both the business and the employees an d brings potential benefits such as better decision making and improved problem solving due to the different types of staff. Greater creativity and innovation, which leads to enhanced product development, and more successful marketing to different types of customers as each employee would have something different to Diverse businesses will be successful as long as there is a sufficient amount of communication within them, this is because people from different cultures perceive messages in different ways, communication is vital to the performance of the business But if there is miscommunication within a diverse workplace this will lead to a great deal of challenges, as the employees are going to be unclear on their goals/duties. When there is diversity in the business you need to make note that different people will have varied learning styles or preferred ways of management, it is good to take this into thought and find out more about the individual employee. This will ensure training and management is effective. 6) The importance of exchanging information and resources with colleagues It is vital to keep team members informed and up to date with any changes because they need to be aware of new information that may come into the business. When giving feedback it is always good to give a balance of both strengths and areas to improve on, this way it is not a negative occasions but the staff can also feel as if they are being praised for their performance at work, also known as â€Å"the positive/negative sandwich†. When giving feedback you must give the team an area to improve on, this way they can stretch themselves to achieve new targets and overachieve from the previous months. Giving the colleagues feedback allows them to realise their hard work is being noticed; also any negative points can be addressed and put back on track for improvement.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mr. Everest Case Analysis
†¢ The leaders, the guides and the Sherpa assistants discovered the business opportunity in guiding clients to the summit. †¢ Since Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world and is a symbol of overcoming difficulties to fulfill the dream, most of the clients wanted to conquer it, especially when some of them (mountain climbers) failed to push to the summit before. †¢ Jon Krakauer, from Outside magazine, had a special agreement with Hall. He regarded the opportunity as a â€Å"free lunch†. †¢ Sandy Pittman, also worked in the media industry, joined the expedition in order to give daily web reports to NBC. Gammelgaard wanted to become the first Scandinavian woman to reach the summit. †¢ Other clients like Adams and Madsen, chose it because they enjoyed the struggle of the upward of life and they believed that this was what life mean and what life was for. b. What type of person tries to ascend the world’s tallest mountain? †¢ The type of person who tries to ascend Mt. Everest with extremely strong willingness to challenge themselves, good physical fitness, well-trained climbing skills and perseverance. c. What personal Qualities does it take to succeed? Strong willingness to reach the summit, perseverance, good team spirit, problem solving skills, positive attitude, and avoid making the same mistakes. d. Do you see any similarities between a high-altitude mountain climber and an MSB? †¢ Yes. The personal qualities listed above are also important for an MSB student if he/she wishes to achieve business success in the future. But strong willingness should be the willingness to help enterprises achieve sustainable growth and leverage business as a powerful tool to contribute to society. e. Based upon this analysis, can you draw any conclusion about the dangers that may lie ahead for you in pursuit of your career objective? †¢ The dangers that may lie ahead include making wrong decisions again and again, encountering unexpected changes or crisis, failing to deal with conflicts, lacking team spirit, declining good advice. 2. Causes of the Tragedy a. What caused this tragedy? †¢ Human errors, including recruiting clients without high-altitude experience, ordering insufficient oxygen supplements and taking antiquated radios, caused the tragedy. Flawed characteristics in human nature caused this tragedy. Having many experiences in climbing Mt. Everest made Hall and Fischer unwilling to accept others’ advice. Each client thought and acted for his/her own. †¢ Unexpected weather changes also caused this tragedy. b. What types of mistaken judgments and choices did the climbers make? †¢ The leaders recruited climbers with no high-altitude experience. †¢ The leaders and the clients were not well prepared for the expedition. Fischer did not order enough oxygen supplements and did not have a plan B for the logistics problem of his order. Many clients did not get high-altitude climbing training before the experience. †¢ The leaders did not provide opportunities for guides to participate in decision-making. Fischer preferred Hall’s suggestion instead of Boukreev’s. †¢ Did not accept the advice from others. Topche ignored Fischer’s suggestion and insisted to climb. Fischer did not listen to the advice of Boukreev about the possible weather change on the way from Camp 2 to Camp 3. †¢ Made the wrong decision again and again. Harris made a critical error in assuming that there was no supplemental oxygen remained at the South Summit. Bad time management skills. Hall and Fischer stressed the importance of turning back but neither settled on an exact turnaround time. †¢ Some clients only thought about themselves. Pittman should have turned around instead of placing an overwhelming burden on Jangbu. c. Consider your own business experiences for a moment. What causes people to ignore rules in organizations? Why do individuals find it so difficult to ignore sunk cost? †¢ Not being aware of rules, lack of supervision, lack of appropriate punishment, insufficient education causes people to ignore rules in organizations. Because individuals already have spent time and money on a project. It is so difficult for people to ignore their efforts even though the efforts are invalid or the dream cannot come true. d. Did these teams function effectively? Why or why not? †¢ No. †¢ They didn’t work as a team. Each client acted for his/ her own goods. †¢ Team leaders made repeating wrong decisions. By Hall’s requirement, the guides waited over an hour for the clients before moving to the Balcony. That made them late for the timeline. †¢ When the guide Harris made a critical error, no one paid attention to his physical condition and gave him help. Team leaders had bad time management skills and didn’t stick to the turn around time. e. What is your evaluation of Fischer and Hall as team leaders? †¢ I would consider them as unsuccessful team leaders not because they failed to lead the team to reach the summit, but because they made several critical errors. A successful team leader should provide opportunity for others in decision-making, accept constructive advice, have good time management skills, good communication skills and be able to lead his team members. †¢ Despite this, Fischer and Hall both have high-altitude experience and are responsible for their clients and teammates. . Are we being a bit too hard on Hall and Fischer? Might tragedies such as this one simply be inevitable on the slopes of Everest? †¢ Yes, I think we are being a bit too hard on Hall and Fischer. Multiple elements caused the tragedy, such as weather, human error and unexpected crisis. People cannot imagine what will happen during the summit bid. People can never be fully prepared for the unexpected changes. That is why climbing Mt. Everest is so dangerous. g. Having conducted all this analysis what would you conclude is the root cause of the catastrophe? †¢ I think the root cause of the catastrophe was human error. Although unexpected weather change was another key cause of the tragedy, team members, especially the leaders and the guides, should have been aware of the possible weather change and make the right decision. When they failed to follow the summit timeline, they should have turned around instead of continuing. h. Can we identify a root cause? Why or why not? †¢ Yes. In any case, there must be some factors that have more influence on the result than other. So we can identify a root cause. i. Does the notion of system complexity apply in this case? In what ways did complex interactions and tight coupling characterize these expeditions? Yes, the notion of system complexity applies in this case. Each small mistake made by the leaders tended to relate with each other and finally came to a chain reaction that led to the tragedy. These are the complex interactions that happened in these expeditions. Both leaders set up a rigid timeline and did not provide opportunity for other experienc ed guides to participate in decision-making. When an unexpected crisis came, there were no flexible areas to change the plan in the timeline. These are the tight coupling characterize in these expeditions. 3. Constructive Dissent and Psychological Safety a. What factors created a climate in which people felt uncomfortable expressing dissent and engaging in a candid exchange of ideas and opinions? †¢ The leaders did not provide opportunity to others in decision making. †¢ Other teammates did not have professional experience in high-altitude mountain climbing. †¢ Lack of teamwork and trust between team members. b. Moving beyond Everest, what factors might inhibit constructive dissent in organizations? †¢ The manager does not provide others an opportunity in participating in decision-making. †¢ The manager treats people unfairly. †¢ Bad teamwork and lack of trust between colleagues inhibit good advice. . Is dissent always appropriate? Under what conditions do leaders want to encourage dissent? When should they strive to discourage dissent? †¢ No. The dissent is constructive and is raised to the managers at a proper time and place. †¢ When the dissent has destructive effect on employees and company, t he leaders should discourage it. 4. Lessons for Business Leaders a. What are the lessons for business leaders from our analysis of this tragedy? †¢ Business leaders should avoid being bossy and inaccessible to employees. It is significant to encourage and accept constructive dissent from others. They should be aware that their words and actions might have great influence on the employees. †¢ They should provide equal opportunities to employees. †¢ They should avoid making the same mistakes again and again. b. Drawing on your own experiences, can you identify a situation in which some of the factors contributed to an organizational failure? How might you take corrective action to prevent that situation from occurring once again? †¢ We failed to organize a graduation trip for the whole college. We did not do research in a large scale, prepare a practical plan or to provide several options. If given the second chance, I would take several steps to avoid the organizational failure. First, I would str ess the importance of this trip to everyone, and find out an exact date that would work for everyone. Then I would do a survey on the place, the period and the price preferences of the students. After that, I would list several options for students. Lastly, I would try to find out the reason that a student declined the offer and improve the travelling plan. c. What qualities make Hall and Fischer great mountaineers? Are these the same attributes required to lead an effective team? Does this same tension exist in business organizations? †¢ Lots of practice, perseverance, good physical fitness, well-trained climbing skills and strong willingness make Hall and Fischer great mountaineers. †¢ These are not the same attributes required to lead an effective team. In order to be a good team leader, a person should provide others with an opportunity in decision-making, be accessible to others, have good time management skills and communication skills. d. Can we train people to become better team leaders and more effective high-stakes decision-makers? If so, how? †¢ Yes. Introduce to people how those effective high-stakes decision-makers perform, so that people can pay attention to how their words and actions have an influence on others. Moreover, people will realize that it is important to build confidence and reduce the conflicts within the team. More importantly, they can understand and learn from the failures in the past. †¢ Develop different exercises to train people, including group projects, case studies, brainstorm training and crisis respond practice etc. Practice makes perfect. After each practice, people should have a self-assessment on their performance and list aspects that need improvement.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tesco En Planner Essay
Tesco En Planner Essay Tesco En Planner Essay A WORLD CUP BRA 4 F IF ZIL 201 FIFA WORLD CUP tm GROUP STAGES A B C D MATCH DATE-TIME VENUE GROUP STAGES RESULTS MATCH DATE-TIME VENUE - Ecuador France - Honduras Salvador Switzerland - France Curitiba Honduras - Ecuador 25/06 21:00 Manaus Honduras - Switzerland 25/06 21:00 Rio de Janeiro Ecuador - France - Croatia 9 15/06 17:00 Brasilia Mexico - Cameroon 10 15/06 20:00 Porto Alegre Fortaleza Brazil - Mexico 25 20/06 20:00 Manaus Cameroon - Croatia 26 20/06 23:00 23/06 21:00 Brasilia Cameroon - Brazil 41 23/06 21:00 Recife Croatia - Mexico 42 12/06 21:00 Sao Paulo 2 13/06 17:00 Natal 17 17/06 20:00 18 18/06 23:00 33 34 MATCH DATE-TIME VENUE - Netherlands Chile - Australia Spain - Chile Porto Alegre Australia - Netherlands 23/06 17:00 Curitiba Australia - Spain 23/06 17:00 Sao Paulo Netherlands - Chile 13/06 20:00 Salvador 4 13/06 23:00 Cuiaba 19 18/06 20:00 Rio de Janeiro 20 18/06 17:00 35 36 CLIENT CONTACT JOB NUMBER PROJECT DESIGN DESIGNER / ARTWORKER PRODUCTION CONTACT AW APPLICATION COLOUR PROFILE DATE RESULTS Spain 3 ROUND OF 16 G1 G1 MATCH 49 DATE-TIME 28/06 17:00 VENUE 1A CYAN Belo Horizonte MAGENTA YELLOW VENUE 10 20 30 40 MATCH 50 DATE-TIME 28/06 21:00 VENUE A P P R OVA L Design 1C G1 Greece Recife Ivory Coast - Japan 19/06 17:00 Brasilia Colombia - Ivory Coast 19/06 23:00 Natal Japan - Greece 24/06 21:00 Cuiaba Japan - Colombia 24/06 21:00 Fortaleza Greece - Ivory Coast Belo Horizonte 6 15/06 02:00 21 22 60 37 38 VENUE Fortaleza Uruguay - Costa Rica 8 14/06 23:00 Manaus England - Italy 23 19/06 20:00 Sao Paulo Uruguay - England 24 20/06 17:00 Recife Italy - Costa Rica 39 24/06 17:00 Natal Italy - Uruguay 40 24/06 17:00 Belo Horizonte Costa Rica - England DATE-TIME 12/07 21:00 VENUE PLEASE READ N.B. The colours on this artwork run out are for colour indication only. Refer to listed Pantone (PMS) specification or attached swatches where applicable for true colour representation. MATCH DATE-TIME fwcot_im_phlay_4ct_rbgr-0-100-91-6_one.psd Logo drop shadow.psd Crown drop shadow.psd Bud_shadow.psd Brasilia - 2F FONTS USED IN A/W HELVETICA LT BOLD (LEGEND) BANK GOTHIC BT MEDIUM MATCH 54 DATE-TIME 30/06 21:00 VENUE A / C m a n ag e m e n t Date P ro d u c t i o n 1G Fortaleza Date - 2H MATCH 55 DATE-TIME 01/07 17:00 VENUE 1F Recife 1H Fortaleza 2E Salvador - 2G - W50 MATCH 58 DATE-TIME 04/07 17:00 VENUE W53 MATCH 59 DATE-TIME 05/07 21:00 VENUE W51 Rio de Janeiro - W54 W55 W52 Brasilia - W56 SEMI-FINALS W57 Belo Horizonte - W58 L62 MATCH Please drink Budweiser responsibly. Â © 2013 AB InBev UK Limited, all rights reserved. W59 - Sao Paulo W60 FINAL Brasilia - MATCH 62 DATE-TIME 09/07 21:00 VENUE W61 64 DATE-TIME 13/07 20:00 - VENUE 15/06 23:00 Rio de Janeiro 12 16/06 20:00 Curitiba 27 21/06 17:00 Belo Horizonte 28 21/06 23:00 Cuiaba 43 25/06 17:00 Porto Alegre 44 25/06 17:00 Salvador MATCH DATE-TIME RESULTS Argentina - Bosnia and Herzegovina Iran - Nigeria Argentina - Iran Nigeria - Bosnia and Herzegovina Nigeria - Argentina Bosnia and Herzegovina - Iran VENUE RESULTS Germany - Portugal Ghana - USA Fortaleza Germany - Ghana Manaus
Monday, October 21, 2019
Comparison of Fall of the House of Usher and Vertigo essays
Comparison of Fall of the House of Usher and Vertigo essays Both Hitchcock's Madeleine in Vertigo, and Poe's Madeline in "Fall of the House of Usher,"" appear to return from the dead after suffering from an unknown illness. They each fall in love and after returning from the dead only to die once again. They are also similar in that they each wandered aimlessly not knowing where they were going in a very strange and creepy way. Hitchcock's Madeleine seems to be suffering from an unknown illness that leaves her practically unconscious of where she had been or what she had done. Gavin Elster, Madeleine's husband, recollects Madeleine as having blank expressions on her face, roaming aimlessly and not acknowledging anything. She seems to be emotionally and mentally sick. Poe's Madeline appears to not be as severely mentally sick but she is more physically sick. In Vertigo Madeleine rushes up a many flights of stairs to the top of what looks to be a church. Scotty attempts to prevent Madeleine from reaching the top of the building but is unsuccessful. Upon reaching the top, Madeleine hurls herself toward the ground and dies. After Madeleine's death, Scotty wanders the streets only thinking about his love. He notices a lady that looks very similar to her and indeed finds out in the end that it is Madeleine. After figuring the whole evil scheme of Madeleine they return to the same spot where Madeleine killed herself the first time and after being startled by a nun she falls of the building and kills herself a second time. The Madeline in "Fall of the House of Usher" returns from the dead as well. She dies from the unknown illness that had been troubling her for quite a long time. After her death Usher puts her body in a tomb in the basement. Usher explains, "I heard her first feeble movement in the hollow coffin. I heard them-many, many da ys ago-yet I dared notI dared not speak! We have put her living in the tomb!"(Poe 205) ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
SAT Admission Ticket What It Is, How to Print It Out, and What to Do if You Lose It
SAT Admission Ticket What It Is, How to Print It Out, and What to Do if You Lose It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’ve signed up for the SAT, you’ve probably heard that you need an SAT admission ticket to get in on test day. The College Board makes a big deal about these tickets, and it can be stressful to figure out how to input all your information, get the right picture, and find a way to print the ticket. Don’t worry! This guide will walk you through exactly what the admission ticket is, how to print it out, and what to do if you lose it. What Is the SAT Admission Ticket? The admission ticket is your proof that you are registered to take the SAT. You must have it to be admitted to the testing center on test day.It also has helpful information about your testing center (for you) and any accommodations you might need (for your proctor). I've included my SAT admission ticket below, so you can see what one looks like. Let's go through the key sections- I numbered them above. Your photo: it's a picture of you! The College Board requires this to help discourage cheating. There's lots more info about how to pick a good photo below. Your personal information: This section contains info like your address and your birth date. Make sure it's all correct well in advance of your test date. Test day info: This section has information about when and where you're testing and which test you're taking (the SAT, the SAT with Essay, or the SAT Subject Tests). Notes for students: This section includes special instructions for what to do when you get to the test center. For example, at my testing center, I had to pay a dollar to park and got my room assignment at building FF. (Despite the instructions, I hit a few snags, so remember to leave yourself plenty of time no matter how prepared you are.) Supervisor instructions:This section includes any extra info your proctor might need. For most students, it's blank, but if you do have special accommodations of some kind, politely remindyour proctor when you arrive. Why Do You Need an SAT Admission Ticket? Essentially, the admission ticket is meant to prove you are who you say you are. In its current form, the ticket is a reaction to issues the College Board has had with cheating: students would have someone else register in their name and take the test for them. Make sure to bring your SAT ticketwith you on the day of the test or you won’t be allowed in. How Do You Get an SAT Admission Ticket? As you might have gathered, in order to get an admission ticket you must register for the SAT. If you haven’t already done so, you can find step-by-step instructions here. During that process, there are two key steps that you'll need to complete to get your SAT ticket. How to Pick a Photo During that process, you’ll be asked to provide a photo for your ticket. This can seem daunting, because the College Board has a lot of rules for what kind of photo you can use. There’s no need to panic, however. The key points are that it needs to be a photo of you that is just your head and shoulders and is well-lit enough that you’re easily recognizable. If you have a .jpg version of your school photo, you can use that. Another good option is using a webcam to just snap a photo right with your computer. Otherwise, get a friend or family member to help you take a headshot with a phone or digital camera. How to Print Your SAT Admission Ticket When you’re done with registration, a screen will come up with your SAT Admission Ticket. Make sure all the information is correct and then print out. It can be in color or in black and white- as long as all of the information, including your photo, is clearly visible. If you prefer, you canwait to print the ticket out later. You can access it anytime through your College Board account. Print your ticket out in advance so you don't have to worry if the printer decides not to work. But What Should You Do If... ...You Lose Your Admission Ticket? If you misplace your ticket, don’t panic! It's easy to reprint a lost SAT admission ticket. Just go to the College Board website and sign in. Click on the link for â€Å"Print My Admission Ticket†and reprint. ...You Realize the Information on the Ticket is Incorrect? Again, this problem is easily fixed by logging into â€Å"My SAT.†You can edit your personal information at any time, up until the Monday before the test date. Remember to reprint the ticket once you’ve made your changes to ensure that it matches the information that the College Board has on file. ...You Get to the Test Center and Realize You Don't Have Your Ticket? The proctors will not let you take the test without your ticket, so if you don't have it you'll be in a bad spot. However, you can try having a friend or family member bring it to you if they live nearby. It’s better to avoid this situation all together, so make sure you have everything you need for the test together in one place the night before. If you’re prone to losing things (or just very paranoid), you can also try: making a backup copy and putting it in the car. taping the ticket and your ID to your calculator. Having a system will make you more likely to remember everything you need on the day of the test. Key Facts to Remember About Your SAT Admission Ticket Let's review the important points you need to keep in mind: You must have your admission ticket to get into the test center on the day of the SAT. Your picture must be recognizable as you. Make sure to print your ticket out at least the night before so you know you have it. You can print your SAT admission ticket at any time by logging into â€Å"My SAT.†If you have any other questions about the SAT ticket, just post them in the comments! More Suggested Reading If you're uncertain about the registration process, check out our step-by-step walkthrough of the process (with pictures) and our guides to when to test, how much the SAT costs, how to cancel your registration, and whether you should send the four free score reports. If, on the other hand, your test date is right around the corner, read up on these last minute test day tips that will help you reach your ideal SAT score. Finally, consider taking a look at some of our SAT prep materials. We have great guides for all three sections, including general strategies, study tips, and in depth skill reviews(there are links to each section on the right). Try starting with our guide to the 5 tips that you must use, which will get you thinking about the test in the right way. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Globalization Influence on Big Companies Management Research Paper
Globalization Influence on Big Companies Management - Research Paper Example However, latter 20th-century managers have faced some new challenges coming along with age of information, and particularly, globalization. Nowadays, globalization has influenced big company’s management on levels of organization and administration making specific impacts and bringing certain ramifications in managers’ work. On a field of economy and business, for big companies, globalization is â€Å"a process of interaction and integration†among companies from different countries around the world, a process, which is â€Å"driven by international trade and investment†(Globalization101, 2015). Globalization reasons most of the innovations and renewals, which world companies come through because under the conditions of globalization business competition increases omnidirectionally. Globalization also â€Å"forces†companies to interact, and be open to the world market because national economies of world countries (especially, developed ones) are deeply involved in process of globalization too. Thus, in the world market all the internal companies’ organizations, as well as companies’ business-to-business partnerships, are in need to be reorganized according to general modern tendencies (Globalization101, 2015). The case is that along with the modernization, big companies face the new sort of dependency. Earlier â€Å"dependency†implied a kind of business relationships when peripheral economic areas were subdued to core national economic where big companies usually came from. â€Å"With globalizing tendencies taking over†, a current situation is changing â€Å"from dependence on interdependence†(Zafarullah and Huque, 2012). Subdual is replaced by cooperation. National economic development starts to matter less for big companies because they are organized according to regionalization tendency (Zafarullah and Huque, 2012).Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Balancing Identity and Privacy - Growing risks and concerns about Essay
Balancing Identity and Privacy - Growing risks and concerns about social networks. Report - Essay Example But inherent in such transformation is the critical need to pay attention for security of the identity. The era of faceless business transactions has accompanied with itself the need to take serious look at the identity of a person. Identity has become a database entry which can now be disconnected from any physical recognition. It can be bought and sold like a commodity and is subject to theft and widespread misuse. This report will take a look at the repercussions of widespread social media on business and society as a whole. Blogging and Tweeting are terms used in the world of social media and they also becoming par to business vocabulary. But such terms are tip of the social media iceberg. Companies like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn are now changing the rules of how companies are doing business. In 21st century social media is changing the working environment of the company. The employees and employers are now practicing more flexibility along with the ability to respond to such conditions quickly. For many businesses social media is a boon which can be used to reach out to large target customers in a cost effective way. But they are also taking a close look the risk involved like theft, cyber bullying, fraud, defamation and invasion of privacy. Many believe that social media has a corporate value and is critical to the success of marketing efforts. Many senior executives believe that there are many potential risks which are involved while using social media. According to them the primary ri sks include disclosure of proprietary information, out-of date information, identifiable information and fraud (Jagatic, Johnson, Jakobsson and Menczer, 2007, pp. 94-100). The presence of Social Media has changed the way people communicate and interact with each other. But the world of social media has created a whole new world of security, privacy, intellectual property, employment practices and legal risks. Privacy risk refers to the process
United Nations and USA Interventions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
United Nations and USA Interventions - Essay Example As a result, intervention in conflicts become an important part of it work. The United States of America is a nation that is made of states occupying the Northern part of America. The making of United States and its ascension to world superpower signifies a path full of conflict. After the Second World War, it emerged as one of the powerful states in the world and the end of cold war era brought a new world order with the United States as the only superpower in the world. Therefore as the only superpower in the world, the United States has had an upper hand in most of the world affairs. As such there are many instances where United States has intervened in conflicts but also in times when there was not intervention which was needed. (Shah 2008, p. 3) Intervention can be considered as a form of arbitration which is meant to bring the conflicting sides together or to mitigate the situation. There have been many forms of interventions in the world depending on the nature of conflict at hand. An intervention is supposed to be in interests of protecting the welfare of all the parties involved or in interest of protecting one of the parties that cannot stand the strength of the other in the conflict. There have been raging arguments concerning the provisions of the UN charter on intervention with conflicting sides arguing about the need to use military intervention in order to bring peace to warring parties and opponents arguing that this has not been provide by the UN charter on intervention and it amounts to violation of human rights. (Shema 2005, p. 1) Throughout history, there have been instance where thousands of innocent citizens have been slaughtered or displaced in the eye of the international community with same kind of argument prevailing. In 1994 thousands of Rwandans were slaughtered and millions of others displaced as the international community watched and the response was that Rwanda was a small unknown country. Since 2000, millions of people have been murdered in Darfur region of Sudan and other displaced as the world watches. These are some of the instance that has called for intervention by use of force in order to end such a crisis. Therefore the overall aim of any intervention is to protect the civilians from sufferings that they may be undergoing especially when the cause can be traced back to a political conflict. Historical interventions of the UN and US Since 1990s, there have been increased humanitarian interventions in the world. This has been due to increased incidence of conflicts and the traditional political system collapsed and countries tried to position themselves in the changing world. There has also been struggle for independence and many political conflicts. When it was formed the UN has been able to intervene in a number of conflict in the world especially in the Middle East in 1948 in Israel, 1957 in Egypt, 1958 in Lebanon and Syria, 1964 in Yemen, 1973 in Israel, 1978 in Lebanon, 1991 in Kuwait, and many others. It has also been involved in intervention in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India in 1988 and 1990. It has also intervened in African in 1992 in Somalia, 1999 in Sierra Leone, 1999, in Congo and recently in Darfur. These are just but some of the instance that the UN has intervened. The number of times that the US has intervened in the world are countless same as the number of countries where it ahs intervened. The history of
Research Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Research Paper - Assignment Example The traditional forms of leadership which attributed more significance to goal oriented practices have now been replaced by a relatively more human centric approach that focuses on ethics and the betterment of individuals which include both – employees as well as communities. It is hence imperative for the leaders in present times, to ensure that they lead by example and set proper behavioral norms and ethics for the employees to follow (Skovira & Harman, 2006). People centric forms of leadership such as ethical leadership approaches ensure that organizational structure is given more significance than the accomplishment of goals and management of people is given precedence over productivity. This is because processes and systems can only function effectively if the people who are required to operate and follow them are motivated and effective themselves. It is the employees who contribute in the achievement of goals and hence a highly motivated staff is more likely to help the organizations achieve their goals effectively. Leaders are hence required to play their roles efficiently whereby they motivate their staff by leading through example (Liden, Wayne, Zhao, & Henderson, 2008). Servant leadership is one such approach that centers on ethical leadership and emphasizes on developing and focusing on the employees to enable them to achieve optimum levels of performance and improve their efficiency, through self-motivation techniques thus pavi ng way for developing capable and efficient leaders of the future (Reinke, 2004). As more and more famed organizations continue to bite the dust due to a myriad of controversies surrounding their ethical policies and approach to business, calling into question their credibility and commitment to their stakeholders, the need for more ethical leadership grows stronger than ever before. The fall from grace of the renowned Lehman Brothers’ due to questionable accounting practices controversy in 2010 (Wolff, 2011), to
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Explain your personal and career goals and offer an explanation as to Statement
Explain your and career goals and offer an explanation as to why you should be admitted to AUD - Personal Statement Example Once I finish my undergraduate degree, I would do masters either in the field of Law or Political Philosophy. My career goal is to represent my country as an International Relations Officer (IRO). Getting a job in United Nations is my dream, which I want to fulfill. I want to understand political, cultural and economic issues of foreign countries, as it is essential for getting a job in a foreign country as an International Relations Officer. I want to pursue my degree from American University in Dubai because of its high repute. It is due to the highly qualified teachers of AUD, that I feel satisfied while thinking of getting admission in its undergraduate program. I believe that AUD can help me achieve my educational and career goals by providing excellent education and practical learning environment to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Globalization of operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Globalization of operations management - Essay Example raw materials, skilled and low-cost labor force among others (Mahadevan 121). Economies of scale also arise after a company expands it production capacity due to lower cost of operation. The service sector on the other hand has capitalized on the skilled labor force available overseas at low cost e.g. outsourcing firms relocating to India (Mahadevan 138). This expansion or shifting centers of operation also affect operations management adversely. There is the need for the firm to operate within the laws and standards of the new markets which are not necessarily similar to those of original market. Client’s special needs and preferences should also be considered in production which can increase on costs. Global market place is also quite competitive raising the need to have sound operational management strategies. CONCLUSION Globalization has taken many organizations to greater heights in the competitive global market. This scenario has enabled them to gain competitive advantag e and increase on production which results to higher margins. A firm going global should therefore appreciate that it will have to initiate changes in its operations to suit the new market dynamics. Works cited Mahadevan, B. Operations Management: Theory and Practice. Pearson Education India, 2010.
Explain your personal and career goals and offer an explanation as to Statement
Explain your and career goals and offer an explanation as to why you should be admitted to AUD - Personal Statement Example Once I finish my undergraduate degree, I would do masters either in the field of Law or Political Philosophy. My career goal is to represent my country as an International Relations Officer (IRO). Getting a job in United Nations is my dream, which I want to fulfill. I want to understand political, cultural and economic issues of foreign countries, as it is essential for getting a job in a foreign country as an International Relations Officer. I want to pursue my degree from American University in Dubai because of its high repute. It is due to the highly qualified teachers of AUD, that I feel satisfied while thinking of getting admission in its undergraduate program. I believe that AUD can help me achieve my educational and career goals by providing excellent education and practical learning environment to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Educating Rita Essay Example for Free
Educating Rita Essay Willy Russell was born just outside Liverpool, but at the age of 5, moved to Knowsley. Academically he was a failure at school, but it was during English silent reading lessons that he realized he wanted to be a writer. He left school with an English O level as his only qualification to work for six years as a hairdresser. The plays he has written include: Our Day Out, Educating Rita, Blood Brothers. Blood Brothers was a musical written in the 1980s about twin brothers who are separated at birth, but in later years become friends. They are friends throughout their childhood and always look out for each other. The play starts at the end, then goes back and tells the events that lead to the situations. Class was a major issue covered in the play the Lyons family was upper class and the Johnson family was lower class. If this class system wasnt in the play then the meeting of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lyons would not have happened, Mrs. Lyons employed Mrs. Johnson to clean her house so if the two different classes werent addressed in the play then Edward would have stayed with Mrs. Johnson, so this issue was also a theme that had a useful part in the play. The play is also built upon the theme of the superstition that if twins are separated at birth then they will die on the day that they discover that they are twins. This theme is reinforced throughout the play by the words of the narrator to keep the audience thinking about what will happen. The first time we see the theme of superstition is when the narrator first begins to speak and he says, So did you hear the story of the Johnston twins? How one was kept and one Given away Never knowing that they shared one name till the day they died At the end of the play the narrators last few lines are do we blame superstition for what came to pass or could it be what we, the English come to know as class. I think this is a very true statement that the class system is what killed them. Also the themes of love and friendship were in the play, this was between Eddy and Mickey who where blood brothers and Linda was in love with Mickey. The narrators songs had verses in most of the songs that stuck in my head, these were the lines to do with superstition like shoes on the table and the devils got your number. Act 2, Scene 2 shows the first meeting between the two boys. This is where Willy Russell explores class difference. He does this by contrasting the backgrounds that the boys were brought up in. Mickey, the twin that was kept, was brought up in a working class background with little money and uses slang terms and vulgar language, Im pissed off. Whereas Edward was brought up in a family that had a car, a nice house and plenty of money. This meant that he would have a better education and therefore have better opportunities in life. He also speaks very well and posh. Eddie is absolutely fascinated by the way that Mickey speaks as the people he is around dont usually speak like that, You say smashing things dont you? . My initial opinion of Eddie is hat he is friendly and confident, Are you going to come and play there again? , because he just goes over and starts talking to Mickey. Mickeys initial reaction is that he is suspicious of why Eddie started talking to him. Another time that Mickey is suspicious is when Eddie offers him some sweets. His reaction is one of shock, Are you soft? . I think he reacts like this because the people he grew up with had little as are poor and cant share what they do have. He also worries that people may have tampered with it, if Sammy gives you a sweet hes usually weed on it first. Ironically this is the scene where the two boys make a pact to become Blood Brothers. In Act 4, Scene 2 the difference in class becomes more apparent. Eddie returns at Christmas from university while Mickey is struggling to provide a living for his family. The brotherly bond between them seems to have disappeared.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Characteristics And The Theological Aims Of Marks Gospel Religion Essay
Characteristics And The Theological Aims Of Marks Gospel Religion Essay Marks gospel is known to be the earliest and shortest of the synoptic gospels and its purpose was to impart a written declaration of the redemption brought about through Jesus with an importance appropriate for Gentile Christians. Though it contains very few of Jesus parables compared to the other gospels, Mark tried to identify with Jesus through what he did rather that what he said. John Kilgallen wrote, If we are to know the events of Jesus life, we are brought to them only through Marks story telling. This essay is going to examine the characteristics and theological aims of Marks gospel, and further analyse and evaluate the discussions in order to find out of in what ways they should influence the churchs teaching. Marks gospel is symbolised with a lion which represents the sovereign authority and the effectual power of the son of God and perhaps thats why it is fully packed with action in regards to Jesus ministry. Referring to the prophecy in Isaiah, presumably Mark did not want his listeners to doubt about the testimony of Jesus who was on earth to complete the mission of redemption for mankind. The purpose and whole ministry of Jesus, according to Mark was to die and save sinners. (1: 14-15) Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news. The fact that Mark explained the meanings of Jewish custom and translated some Aramaic words shows that his gospel was intended for the non Jewish audience and one could argue that he wanted to express a clearer message of the Gospel, with no obstruction of understanding the purpose of Jesus on earth. This implicated the importance of discipleship (1: 17) Jesus said to them, Follow me and I will make you fish for people., and faith in The Son of God being crucial to those who believed as in the case of the paralytic man who was brought to Jesus to be healed, but because of the massive crowd they showed the extremity of their faith when they broke through the roof in order to get the sick man in Jesus presence. May be that is why Mark recorded such high numbers of miracles compared to the other synoptic gospels. An illustration of the kind of opposition Jesus experienced from some of His family members, friends, followers, religious leaders and political figures was also expressed in Marks gospel, but Jesus took carriage and did not deviate from His purpose according to Mark who told of the many places that Jesus went to deliver His message. This shows that Jesus was always on the move. He indicated the major roles of Jesus ministry were to serve and suffer through his sacrificial love Marks intention could broadly be interpreted as a pastoral mission, that had a purpose of teaching and building up the faith of his listeners by showing the relevance of Jesus teachings in their own lives as it is in the church today. (3: 14-15) And he appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons. Jesus entrusts His followers with the proclamation to all nations to the end. As Jesus gave authority then, it is the same authority given to the church today until the good news is proclaimed to all nations. Overall, the characters and theological aim in Marks gospel can still be addressed in the church as a continuation of what Jesus started when He announced that the Kingdom of God was at hand. Therefore the call of repentance and belief should still be the theme in the church. Jesus came to serve not to be served, and he sacrificed his life for all mankind, so the church should illustrate this kind of servant hood as emphasised by Lightfoot, The purpose of the Lords manifestation in the future is not so much to introduce a new order of things, but rather to complete that which already exists. The church can be transformed through the influence of Marks gospel by compelling to a divine mission of not our own agenda but that of Christ and acknowledging for who He is (8: 29) He asked them, But who do you say that I am? Peter answered him, You are the Messiah. Dependency on God is a requirement today as much as interdependency to each other working in unity in order to continue reaching out with the gospel regardless of criticism and opposition as according to Mark. **Jesus often warned His disciples of the hardship and suffering that they would encounter as He did. The Church still faces persecution as in the days of Mark, but we are encouraged to remain steadfast in our faith as then. The characteristics and theological aims, of Marks Gospel teach the church, representative of Christ, to continue spreading the word of God. Discipleship is a part of life for Christians as clearly demonstrated in Mark. Known as missionaries today, discipleship duties of servant hood is still the core that is required, and through the teachings of Jesus who encountered both the sick and the sinful in this gospel transformation is relevant and still acts as a model for the church. Jesus has always been the representation of the just man, who was treated unjustly, but he responded with patience and he did not lose hope and trust in God. The theological aim of evangelism should be another influence in church as expressed in the first verse of Mark, to proclaim that Jesus is son of God and saviour. The need to lose one self remains as necessary and true now as it was then. In terms of discipleship it is from Jesus that discipleship started and that is still a relevant characteristic in church to follow the example of Jesus, which is another influence in understanding of Christian faith. Mark expressed a high degree of honesty in the disciples of Jesus then by giving an account about their misunderstanding of what Jesus was telling them and the fearful reaction of the events that surrounded the resurrection which mirrors the weakness in the church. Consumed by pride of who is the greatest and not confronting the fear of being misunderstood, has overwhelmed the church of the twenty first century. The church should continue to teach that true discipleship is only possible after the resurrection as stated in Mark, and thats when the full significance of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus can be known. The church today has no excuse than those first followers if it does not teach the believers to take up the cross and follow Jesus. The Gospel of Mark strengthened his listeners to stand strong in their faith even through a period of persecution as Jesus did; it is a characteristic that still needs to influence the church as it has never stopped being persecuted even in this 21st century. The importance of faith is stressed as the ambience in which Jesus mighty works were performed (6: 5, 6) From the analysis of the main features in Marks gospel, it becomes possible to draw certain conclusions in regards to his intention. Jesus prepared himself to total obedience to God as introduced by Mark The Son of God. The church should continue to have total faith and obedience in God as Jesus did in order not to deviate from the truth. It could be argued to a certain extent that the teaching and actions of Jesus have a continuing value in both Christian life and death and that the death of Jesus was not in vain. Therefore, according to the examination of the above characteristics and theological aims in Marks gospel, the church should still be strongly influenced, by that same message of redemption by following the example of Jesus who was a servant of the Lord regardless of deeds of suffering, strengthening in the faith and continue to spread the good news according to the gospel of Mark. (10: 44-45) And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Constitutional Convention Essay -- essays research papers
May 25, 1787 Â Â Â Â Â Fifty five delegates from twelve of the thirteen states met in Philadelphia today. Rhode Island is the only state of the thirteen that chose not to attend the revising of the Articles of Confederation. Though, after the delegates reviewed the articles, they agreed that they were not worth saving. Â Â Â Â Â The delegates agreed to make a new document, a constitution, that would bring an entirely new type of government. Since they decided to create a new constitution, the meeting is to b e called the Constitutional Convention. The delegates of the Constitutional Convention were not ordinary American people. They were all professionals and businessmen, and they were all white men. More than half of the delegates are under 40. ...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Essay -- Eating Dis
Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Although a great deal of early research on body image and eating disorders focused on upper/middle class Caucasians living in America or under the influence of Western ideals, many researchers are realizing that eating disorders are not isolated to this particular group. They are also realizing the differences in body image between occur in different races and genders (Pate, Pumariega, Hester 1992). Recently, several studies have shown that eating disorders transcend these specific guidelines, and increasingly, researchers are looking at male/female differences, cross-cultural variation and variation within cultures as well. It is impossible to broach the concept of body image without including the general sentiment of the population being studied as it changes from society to society. Americans, Blacks and Asians have been the focus of a significant amount of research on the cultural attributions of eating disorders and differences in body image between cultures. When a researcher considers body image and eating problems in African-American women, they must also take into account the socio-cultural factors and factors of oppression, such as racism and sexism (Davis, Clance, Gailis 1999). Without specific etiologies for individual eating problems and body dissatisfaction, these issues become very important to individual cases and treatments. Psychologists must consider religions, coping methods, family life, and socio-economic status when assessing a patient. These all vary within cultures and between cultures making this a difficult job and complex subject to tackle. Fortunately, a great deal of research has been done to assess the body images of Black women. One extensive... ...pean Eating Disorder Review,4, 73-83. Molloy, B., Herzberger, S. (1998) Body image and self-esteem: A comparison of african american and caucasian women. Sex-Roles, 38, 631-643. Mumford, D., Whitehouse, A., Platts, M., (1991) Sociocultural correlates of eating disorders among asian school girls in bradford. British Journal of Pyschiatry, 158, 222-228. Ofuso, H., Lafreniere, K., Senn, C., (1998) Body image And perception among young women of african descent: A normative context? Feminism and Psychology, 8, 303-323. Pate, J., Pumariega, A., (1992) Cross-cultural patterns in eating disorders: A review. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,31, 802-809. Williamson, L. (1998) Eating disorders and the cultural forces behind the drive for thinness: Are african american women really protected? Social Work in Health Care,28, 61-73. Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Essay -- Eating Dis Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Although a great deal of early research on body image and eating disorders focused on upper/middle class Caucasians living in America or under the influence of Western ideals, many researchers are realizing that eating disorders are not isolated to this particular group. They are also realizing the differences in body image between occur in different races and genders (Pate, Pumariega, Hester 1992). Recently, several studies have shown that eating disorders transcend these specific guidelines, and increasingly, researchers are looking at male/female differences, cross-cultural variation and variation within cultures as well. It is impossible to broach the concept of body image without including the general sentiment of the population being studied as it changes from society to society. Americans, Blacks and Asians have been the focus of a significant amount of research on the cultural attributions of eating disorders and differences in body image between cultures. When a researcher considers body image and eating problems in African-American women, they must also take into account the socio-cultural factors and factors of oppression, such as racism and sexism (Davis, Clance, Gailis 1999). Without specific etiologies for individual eating problems and body dissatisfaction, these issues become very important to individual cases and treatments. Psychologists must consider religions, coping methods, family life, and socio-economic status when assessing a patient. These all vary within cultures and between cultures making this a difficult job and complex subject to tackle. Fortunately, a great deal of research has been done to assess the body images of Black women. One extensive... ...pean Eating Disorder Review,4, 73-83. Molloy, B., Herzberger, S. (1998) Body image and self-esteem: A comparison of african american and caucasian women. Sex-Roles, 38, 631-643. Mumford, D., Whitehouse, A., Platts, M., (1991) Sociocultural correlates of eating disorders among asian school girls in bradford. British Journal of Pyschiatry, 158, 222-228. Ofuso, H., Lafreniere, K., Senn, C., (1998) Body image And perception among young women of african descent: A normative context? Feminism and Psychology, 8, 303-323. Pate, J., Pumariega, A., (1992) Cross-cultural patterns in eating disorders: A review. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,31, 802-809. Williamson, L. (1998) Eating disorders and the cultural forces behind the drive for thinness: Are african american women really protected? Social Work in Health Care,28, 61-73.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Tomb of Shihuangdi
THE TOMB OF SHIHUANGDI Assignment 1: The Tomb of Shihuangdi Anesha Fair (Davis) Professor Christina Trego HUM-111 November 4, 2012 Archeologists have unraveled the mysterious plan of the tomb of Shihuangdi. The tomb is a 2,200 years old structures, and famous for being the home of 7,000 terracotta horses and warriors. In addition the covering is 2. 13 square kilometers. â€Å"The revelation of the structure is the greatest achievement in study of the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum in the past 40 years. Furthermore archeologist has discovered construction over hundreds of square kilometers and a little more than 600 tombs of those burned alive with the emperor. Workers began digging into the ground outside the city of Xian, China, to their greatest awakening archeologist discovered a large sized clay tomb poised and filled with thousands clay soldiers in battle position. The clay soldiers were also found with their facial expressions in a unique manner, and positioned according to their ran k.The theory provided is the best one to explain. Such an event impacted many lives and the mystery of The Tomb of Shihuangdi kept many people wondering. Taking a closer look into history Ying Zheng was the first Emperor of Qin. He took the throne in 246 B. C. Ying Zheng was 13 years of age. During the time of his rain he invasion the Great wall. After a short time period had occurred Ying Zheng began laboring many workers for his special project. Such a number as 700,000 on this project that would bring their life to a end.Furthermore the mystery of the tomb is filled with â€Å"models of places, pavilions and officers as well as fire vessels precious stones and rarities. †A mystery questioning why and what was the reason Ying Zheng deceived so many soldiers and trapping them into their death hiding models of palaces and precious stones of such, what was he really covering up? Questions only he could answer.References http://science. nationalgeographic. com/science/archaeol ogy/emperor-qin/ http://www. china. org. cn/english/culture/40333. htm
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Water Source & Sustainability
There is more than 1. 4 billion cubic kilometres of water on the earth. If divided evenly enough to give every man, woman & child 230 million cubic meters. However 98% of that is saltwater and nearly 1% of it is locked as polar icecaps. Less than 1 percent of the Earth's freshwater is accessible in lakes, rivers, and groundwater aquifers. This vital 1 percent of available freshwater is con- stantly in motion, either flowing in rivers, evaporating and moving around the globe as water vapour, falling from the sky as rain or snow, or filtering slowly through the earth to emerge somewhere else. It is a renewable resource on which we all completely depend upon. It is the genesis and continuing source of all life on earth. The most accessible water is that which flows in river channels or is stored in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. The major portion of the water diverted for human needs is taken from this renewable, readily accessible part of the world's freshwater resources. Although the total volume of water conveyed annually by the world's rivers is about 43,000 km3, most of this occurs as floods. The low river flows (base flows) make up only about 19,000 km3. Of this, about 12,500 km3 can be accessed, and present levels of withdrawal accounts for 4000km3. This withdrawal is expected to reach 5000 Km3 per year by the 2025. The demand for freshwater increased six-fold between 1900 and 1995 nearly twice the rate of population growth. One third of the world's population today already live in countries experiencing medium to high water stress. Water Stress Water stress for a river basin is defined as the water resources available in that basin. The water stress for a country is the summation of water stress for all its river basins. Water stress begins when the withdrawals of water of freshwater rises above 10 percent of renewable resources. Medium to high stress translates as water use that exceeds 20 percent of available water supply. Countries experience high water stress when the ratio of water use to supply exceeds 40 percent. At such levels, their patterns of use may not be sustainable, and water scarcity is likely to become the limiting factor to economic growth. High water stress and unsustainable rates of withdrawal are already being experienced in Central and South Asia, where annual water ithdrawals compared with available water resources are 50 percent or more. In the dry season, water scarcity occurs throughout Asia and the Pacific, and increased rainfall variability as a result of global climate change will worsen this problem. Water scarcity will affect food security throughout Asia and the Pacific. The global population will expand from today's 6 billion people to almost 8 billion in 2025. By then, more than 80 percent of the world's population will be living in developing countries. The World Meteorological Organization estimates, assuming the renewable water resources will remain unchanged, that the number of countries facing water stress will increase from 29 today to 34 in 2025. How these countries manage their water resources, and whether they can produce sufficient food for their growing populations while catering to their water needs and preserving natural environments, have important implications. Nearly 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals are directed toward agriculture, mainly for irrigation. By some estimates (UN 1997), annual irrigation water use will have to increase about 30 percent above present use for annual crop production to double and meet global food requirements by 2025. The industry sector, which accounts for about 22 percent of current freshwater withdrawals globally, is likely to require an increasing share in all regions of the world. In developing countries, where 56 percent of the population will be living in urban areas by 2025, the share of water going toward domestic uses will also need to grow substantially. Asia and Water Asia has the lowest per capita availability of freshwater resources among the world's continents. The contrasts within the region are stark. Annual freshwater resources (in m3 per capita) reach as high as 200,000 in Papua New Guinea and as low as 2,000 in parts of South Asia and the PRC, and are generally below 20,000 in Southeast Asia. The region's weather is largely governed by a monsoon climate, which creates large seasonal variations in addition to spatial variation. The two most populous nations in the world, the PRC and India, will have 1. 5 billion and 1. billion people, respectively, by 2025, by which time the availability of freshwater will have dropped to 1,500 m3 per capita in India and 1,800 m3 in the PRC. Many of countries depend heavily on groundwater exploitation to supplement scarce surface water resources. In Bangladesh, groundwater abstraction already represents 35 percent of total annual water withdrawals; in India, 32 percent; in Pakistan, 30 percent; and in PRC, 11 percent. Groundwater overuse and aquifer depletion are becoming serious problems in the intensively farmed areas of northern PRC, India, and Pakistan. In heavily populated cities land is subsiding as groundwater is withdrawn to serve the needs of their growing urban populations, and saltwater intrusion is rendering much of the groundwater unusable. War for Water International conflicts over water are becoming more frequent as competition for available freshwater resources increases. There are 215 international rivers as well as about 300 groundwater basins and aquifers that are shared by several countries. The 1996 treaty signed by Bangladesh and India for managing flows in the Ganges-Brahmaputra system represents a major breakthrough for rational approaches to shared water resources. However, more than 70 water-related flash points have been identified, mainly in Africa, Middle East, and Latin America. Eight countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) rely on international rivers to supply more than 30 percent of their annual water resources. Four of these (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) rely on water from external sources for more than 65 percent of their annual water resources. Making better use of Asia's shared rivers is an unfinished agenda with potentially large benefits to millions of poor people in the region. However, formulating agreements between sub-regions to enable equitable sharing of resources and better control of trans-boundary pollution has proven to be highly controversial and, in some cases, strongly divisive The reliability of water supplies in the face of such dependence is a key issue when seasonal variations, particularly droughts etc enter the equation. Unsustainable rates of groundwater extraction can only make matters worse. The impact of global climate change, which cannot be determined at this time, will be to increase the overall uncertainty within which water planners operate. Floods and droughts Floods and droughts have always been features of life on earth and have produced some of the worst natural disasters in recorded history. Due to inappropriate land use and land management practices, uncoordinated and rapid growth of urban areas, and loss of natural flood storage wetlands, floods are becoming more frequent. Flooding is the hazard that affects more people than any other associated damage to property and is escalating. Destruction of forest cover has altered the hydrologic cycle and reduced water retention in forest soils. Accompanying soil erosion has permanently stripped fertile topsoil from vast areas, leading to further degradation of river basins and threatening the basis for sustainable natural resource management. Global climate change will have unpredictable but potentially devastating consequences for the hydrologic cycle by changing the total amount of precipitation, its annual and seasonal distribution, the onset of snowmelt, the frequency and severity of floods and droughts, and the reliability of existing water supply reservoirs. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the frequency of droughts could rise by 50 percent in certain parts of the world by 2050. Water Pollution Emerging Asia, published by ADB in 1997, identified water pollution as the most serious environmental problem facing the region. Water pollution exacerbates the problem of water scarcity at local and regional levels by reducing the amount of water available for productive purposes. Water pollution comes from many sources, including untreated sewage, chemical discharges, spillage of toxic materials, harmful products leached from land disposal sites, agricultural chemicals, salt from irrigation schemes, and atmospheric pollutants dissolved in rainwater. The direct disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater into watercourses is the major source of pollutants in developing countries. In Asia and the Pacific, faecal pollution is one of the most serious problems, affecting both surface water and groundwater bodies and leading to a tenacious persistence of such waterborne diseases as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. Estimates of the increase in water pollution loads in high growth areas of Asia over the next decades are as high as 16 times for suspended solids, 17 times for total dissolved solids, and 18 times for biological pollution loading. The combined volume of water used and water needed to dilute and flush pollutants is almost equal to the volume of accessible freshwater in the world's river systems. The development of freshwater resources for human uses has compromised natural ecosystems that depend on these resources for their continued integrity. Freshwater ecosystems, comprising lakes, rivers, and wetlands, have already lost a greater proportion of species and habitat than land or ocean ecosystems. Unrestricted development of surface water and groundwater has altered the hydrologic cycle and threatens the natural functions of deltas and wetlands. Wetlands have been converted to cropland, and rivers that channelled water to estuaries and deltas have dried up. Diminished productive potential, loss of vegetation, increased health risks, and irreversible desecration of aquatic biota are the sad legacy. Water Management Traditionally seen as limitless bounty, water has only recently been recognized as a scarce resource, and only since the 1950s have policymakers begun to espouse the economic and environmental values of water. A consensus is growing among scientists, water planners, governments, and civil society that new policies and approaches will have to be adopted within the next two decades to avoid calamity, and that supply, use, and management of water resources will have to be integrated across sectors and between regions sharing the same source. New projects for dams, water storage, irrigation, drainage, flood protection, and water supply will continue to be needed in many countries where the basic water requirements for people have not yet been met. Lack of effective water policies and institutional arrangements is a pressing issue. Sustainability criteria will predominate in decision making and particular emphasis will be given to environmental and social values.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Explain How Products Are Developed Essay
3.1.1 The product life cycle (PLC). The product life cycle is used for determining the lifespan of products and there are 4 sub stages of product: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. From 2007 until now, Honda Air Blade has become the most successful line of Honda’s motorbike as well as on market. Since it was born, Honda Air Blade has achieved sales of more than 2 million products. This year, from April to the end of September, Honda Air Blade reaches to 274,563 products. (Zing, 2014) This motorbike has brought more profits and impacted strongly on revenue of company. Honda has had the success with this product line. But in the modern world, to be able to compete with the competitors, Honda needs to improve quality, style of products and consider market prices as well as competitors to make a better product 3.1.2. Branding and brand leadership. a. Branding: A brand is much bigger than just the corporate logo. The brand attributes are formed from the efforts of corporation in the process of marketing communication activities and the character of business. Therefore, corporation needs to have an appropriate strategy to release a good PR campaign to make them more attractive than the competitors. Honda has slogan:†The power of dreams†, easily to remember and it has been very famous around the world. b. Brand leadership: The first appearance of Honda in Vietnam is in 1996, until now has been through 18 years and they have always been one of the forefront in their industry. (Honda, 2014) But now, Vietnam’s market has Yamaha, the biggest rival of Honda and the competition between both will continue for a long time in the future. Consequently, Honda has to use and combine an ingenious of design, advertising, marketing, and corporate culture. It will help create brand attributes in the minds of the people and that this will bring
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